Picture of a butterfly NAPPC North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
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Plans & Projects

The major goal of this alliance of pollinator researchers, conservation and environmental groups, private industry, and state and federal agencies is to develop and implement an action plan to:
  • Coordinate local, national, and international action projects in the areas of pollinator research, education and awareness, conservation and restoration, policies and practices, and special partnership initiatives;

  • Facilitate communication among stakeholders, build strategic coalitions, and leverage existing resources; and
  • Demonstrate a positive measurable impact on the populations and health of pollinating animals within five years.
Since its founding, the NAPPC has been instrumental in focusing attention on the plight of pollinators and the need to protect them throughout the tri-national region comprised of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Two such efforts were the NAPPC Strategic Planning Conferences at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. These two conferences resulted in an ambitious but vitally important and scientifically sound blueprint for pollinator protection.


  • Identify threats to pollinators

  • Document and evaluate pollinator populations and communities

  • Evaluate impact of resource management practices on pollinators

  • Increase understanding of socio-economic issues related to pollinators
Education and Awareness
  • Educate policy makers
  • Transfer technical information

  • Increase general public awareness

  • Educate and prepare the next generation
Conservation and Restoration

  • Manage lands to reduce habitat loss

  • Reduce pollinator mortality due to improper pesticide use

  • Increase resources for restoring pollinator populations and habitat policy practices
Policy and Practices

  • Increase resources for restoring pollinator populations and habitat

  • Document existing best practices and encourage replication
Special Partnership Initiatives

  • Create special partnerships to support scientific, economic and policy research

  • Develop educational material and programs to reach targeted publics

  • Promote private landowner incentives for implementing pollinator-friendly practices through regional and national agencies.
NAPPC works in coordination with existing local, national, and international pollinator protection plans that focus on individual species, genera, families, or classes of animals. The Campaign also coordinates with existing projects that address specific pollinator habitats or migratory corridors. Such plans include but are not limited to Bat Conservation International’s Management Plan, the Plant Conservation Alliance’s Plan, and the Sao Paulo Declaration on Pollinators.

NAPPC complements these and other pollinator conservation efforts in that it: 1) focuses on pollinator protection throughout the tri-national region comprised of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and 2) addresses a variety of species including invertebrates, birds, and mammals. NAPPC will coordinate with existing pollinator protection plans to avoid duplication, leverage existing resources to maximize effectiveness and where possible replicate proposals in new venues. The NAPPC Action Plan builds on current scientific research concerning pollinators and pollinator habitats and seeks to promote and support additional pollinator research.

The number of commercially managed honeybee colonies in the U.S. has declined from 5.9 million in the 1940’s to 2.7 million in 1995.

       picture of butterfly pollinating thistle

Contact Us

Send emails to info@NAPPC.org

c/o The Coevolution Institute
423 Washington Street, 5th floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-2339

Phone: 1-415-362-1137
Fax: 1-415-362-3070

© 2002-2005 The Coevolution Institute