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Zion National Park Visitors Center, Springdale, Utah - 2000

This collection features photos from the visitor center at Zion National Park, a sustainable building that incorporates the area's natural features and energy efficient building concepts into an attractive design that saves energy and operating expenses while protecting the environment. In creating the Zion National Park Visitor Center, the National Park Service, working with the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, has stayed true to the tenets of protecting Zion's natural beauty.

For additional photographs, search on the following terms in PIX text search: zion.

PIX 09221 #09221 - The NPS has worked with NREL to create a new sustainable building to serve as a visitor center for the park's current 2.5 million annual visitors as well as visitors in the future.

PIX 09224 #09224 - Outdoor "rooms" for permanent displays allow for a smaller building design as well as lower capital and operation costs. The new Visitor Center at Zion National Park is a sustainable building that incorporates the area's natural features and energy efficient building concepts into an attractive design that saves energy and operating expenses while protecting the environment.

PIX 09225 #09225 - As part of redesigning the visitors' experience at Zion National Park, clean running propane buses were designed to shuttle the park's 2.5 million annual visitors throughout the area. Automobile traffic, which was causing damage to the air and ecosystem of the park, was minimized.

PIX 09226 #09226 - Clerestory windows, shown here, provide daylighting and ventilation.

PIX 09227 #09227 - Rooftop PV system on the Zion Visitor Center.

PIX 09228 #09228 - In this photo inside the Visitor Center you can see the vents of one of the passive down-draft cooltowers.

PIX 09243 #09243 - The NPS has worked with NREL to create a new sustainable building to serve as a visitor center for the park's current 2.5 million annual visitors as well as visitors in the future.

PIX 09243 #09244 - This photo of the Zion Visitor Center shows the Trombe wall, clerestory windows, and cooltower.

PIX 09256 #09256 - This photo of the Zion Visitor Center shows the Trombe wall and clerestory windows.

PIX 09260 #09260 - In this photo inside the Visitor Center you can see the vents of one of the passive down-draft cooltowers.

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