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NIOSH Program Portfolio


Communication and Information Dissemination

Review & Evaluation: National Academies Evaluation

NIOSH recognizes that external expert review is one of the most valid and accepted methods of evaluating research programs. Consequently, NIOSH requested that the National Academies (NA) evaluate NIOSH's research programs with respect to their impact, relevance, and future directions. The NA was asked to evaluate not only what NIOSH research programs are producing, but also to determine the extent to which NIOSH research is responsible for changes in the workplace that reduce the risk of occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths. The evaluation is being undertaken by the National Research Council (NRC) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in the NA.

The Communication Portfolio does not anticipate a NA review, but recognizes the value of the feedback given to NIOSH research programs by the NA and plans to inventory these suggestions and recommendations to strengthen its strategic communication initiatives to assist Institute staff and partners in improving its r2p efforts.

More information can be found on the National Academies Evaluation of NIOSH Research Programs page.

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NIOSH Program:

Communication and Information Dissemination

conferences, website, publications