Adams County
4-H Youth Programs

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The National Western Stock Show, Horse Show and Rodeo
is a non-profit organization. The commitment of the association is to education—for youth in agriculture, for the urban community and for the national and international livestock industry. The National Western fulfills that commitment in many ways including it’s free School Tour Program.

For more information pertaining to all the educational activities of the National Western Stock Show, please go to

Please register using the online registration now, as spaces do fill quickly. For more information please contact Tom Fey at 303-637-8100 or




A fun, fast paced program used as part of the fourth grade Colorado Social studies curriculum, Adams County Extension Youth Agents and trained volunteers offer a 50 - 60 minute presentation on Colorado agriculture. The program uses a video and an agricultural product map of Colorado to discuss the importance of and what agricultural products are produced in our state. Students will learn the origin of food and fiber and how products such as the "Big Mac" are created. They also will learn that we could not have fast computers without sheep, cars without cattle and many other interesting facts. This program is offered throughout the school year to better fit your scheduling needs. Contact Tom Fey at the Adams County Extension Office (303-637-8100) for more information or to set up a presentation time. Last year, CSAP caused scheduling difficulties. If this was a concern to your school, consider using the program during the fall semester.




EARTH GARDENS (year round)

EARTH GARDENS stands for Enriching an Awareness in Renewing Today's Habitat, Growing Adventures to Respect Development of Environmental Networks through Schools. The program curriculum uses soil and plant science and gardening to develop life skills and respect for our world. Students develop skills in planning a landscape, planting and taking care of a garden (floral or vegetable), and what is required for plant growth in the way of nutrients, sun, etc. Students use the information gained through the classroom curriculum to plan and develop a school beautification/landscaping project, This project can be minor flower gardens in pots to major flower and/or community vegetable gardens. The majority of the bedding plants and seeds are provided through the program. Over 20,000 bedding plants were distributed last year along with $15,000 in seed packets. To get more information and/or enroll in this free year round program contact Tom Fey at the Adams County Extension Office (303-637-8100) or visit




An opportunity for students to learn the importance of plants to people, what plants need to live, and functions of plant parts. The Program is designed for primary grades and includes kits (base, top, three compressed peat wafers, three types of seeds) and teacher guides. Activities and demonstrations designed to be completed in a 45 minute-class period. Cost will be $1.25 per kit with a free teacher guide available online. Letters will be sent to teachers in February and ordering is now available online for the Spring 2009 Semester. For more information contact Tom Fey at the Adams County Extension Office (303-637-8100).



Entomology - "Bug Breakthrough" (March - April)

The Bug Breakthrough literature is hands-on and was designed specifically for 3rd grade. The entire program is set to match the Colorado Curriculum Standards. Bug Breakthrough gives students the opportunity to learn why insects are important, gives the teacher background information, and provides many exercises for the classroom. Students can see metamorphosis take place in their very own caterpillar tents and keep journals of what they see and learn. Bug Breakthrough is $50.00/classroom and includes:

    Caterpillars (1 per student - 30 total) Feeding supplies Netting Cardboard Teacher's manual (Bug Breakthrough)

Enroll by early March. A Painted Lady Butterfly certificate, kit and literature will be available for distribution the first of April. Metamorphosis occurs in approximately 30 days, so be prepared for this program to run most of April.

Order Bug Breakthrough Online


EMBRYOLOGY (March-April)

Hatching Eggs in the Classroom (K-5th grade)
Embryology is a fun, rewarding and educational project. The study of embryos is a great way to observe the development of life in just three short weeks. The project provides numerous opportunities for young children to learn through observation, the value of life as well as information about chickens, eggs and embryonic development.
4-H staff and volunteers will visit with teachers to explain the program that can be taught by the teachers. A 4-H volunteer is also available to assist the teachers and/or teach the classes. Incubators and project books are limited, reservations are on a first come/first serve basis. Eggs are no longer available through the Extension Office, however they may be purchased online through or any hatchery of your choice.

Register Online


FARM DAY KIDS EXPO (February 13, 2008)

Adams County 4-H in collaboration with the Adams County Farm Bureau and local FFA Chapters will host the Farm Day Expo at the Adams County Regional Park and Fairgrounds. Many educational stations will be available and students will see tractors, live animals and learn where and how their food is grown. Farmers and Ranchers will be available to visit your school to answer any questions not answered at the Expo. For more information contact Tom Fey at the Adams County Extension Office (303-637-8100).

Register for Farm Day Kids Expo Online



For a second year, the nationally recognized program WOW! is being offered to Adams County schools. WOW! Focuses on skills children need to succeed in the work world today and in the future. It's designed to help volunteers introduce children aged 5-12 to skills and behaviors they need to help them succeed now and in the workforce of the future. WOW! Includes a series of activities that can be used in 4-H clubs, afterschool programs and in classrooms. When teens use WOW! To work with younger children, they have the chance to develop their own leadership and workforce skills and to provide a valuable community service. The idea behind WOW! is to help children begin to gather information and develop the tools they need to make intelligent, informed career choices in the future. WOW! Activities focus on four themes related to workforce preparation: Work Around Me, Work in My Community, Work Around the World, and Work in My Future.

Talking with T.J.

Talking with T.J.

The video series "Talking with TJ" deals with team work and conflict resolution with entertaining stories and fun activities for children in the second through fourth grades. The Team Work Series will help you teach children some basic skills in three areas related to cooperation and teamwork: 1-making group plans, 2-appreciating differences and including people, and 3- playing as a cooperative team in competitive situations. The Conflict Resolution series helps teach basic skills in areas related to working out problems without violence: 1-keeping anger under control, 2-respecting other people's points of view, and 3-communicating effectively to resolve arguments. This high quality series was produced by the Hallmark Corporate Foundation for 4-H, Girls Scouts and Boys & Girls Clubs. Talking with TJ can be checked out from the Adams County 4-H Office for a two- week period by calling Tom Fey to schedule a time.

Livestock Skillathon

Livestock Skillathon

A skillathon is a contest where 4-H members can test their general livestock knowledge and skills. There will be sections for sheep, swine and cattle. Each member may participate in any or all sections they are currently enrolled in. There will be questions on nutrition, health, training , identifying breeds and equipment. The contest will be held before the county fair, and the winners will be announced at the 4-H Livestock Ice Cream Social.


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