Picture of a butterfly NAPPC North American Pollinator Protection Campaign

2007 NAPPC International Summit General Informaion

The NAPPC International Summit is an annual event that brings together some of the world's preeminent scientists and pollinator experts to discuss current issues affecting pollinators and ways to further pollinator conservation. The event is by invitation only. For more information about NAPPC or the International Summit, please contact info@nappc.org or 415-362-1137.

  • NAPPC Funding Policy
  • The number of commercially managed honeybee colonies in the U.S. has declined from 5.9 million in the 1940’s to 2.7 million in 1995.

           picture of butterfly pollinating thistle

    Contact Us

    Send emails to info@NAPPC.org

    c/o The Coevolution Institute
    423 Washington Street, 5th floor
    San Francisco, CA 94111-2339

    Phone: 1-415-362-1137
    Fax: 1-415-362-3070

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