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>About this Web Site

About this Web Site
The Connecticut Botanical Society web site has been providing information on our state's plants since 2000. The site was designed and is maintained by Janet Novak ( ). She also provided some of the plant photographs. Janet's photos have appeared in Horticulture magazine, Chicago Wilderness magazine, and in the new edition of Peterson's Field Guide to Ferns. Janet currently lives in Philadelphia, where she maintains the web site for the Philadelphia Botanical Club and contributes to the Flora of New Jersey project. As a volunteer for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, she surveys populations of two plants on the federal Threatened list: swamp pink (Helonias bullata) and Knieskern's beakrush (Rhynchospora knieskernii). Professionally, Janet is a scientific editor and head of Helix Editing.

Eleanor 'Sam' Saulys gave the web site its start by donating several dozen digital images of Connecticut plants. Since then, she has donated hundreds more photographs. Her plant photographs have been widely published, and some are on permanent display at Norden Park in Norwalk. Sam frequently leads field trips for the Connecticut Botanical Society. She has distinguished herself in finding and documenting rare plant populations. Both on her own and as a Plant Conservation Volunteer, Sam has surveyed many of the state's rare plants, and she has rediscovered several species that were thought to have been eliminated from the state. Her favorite pastime is to 'get lost' . . . which resulted in some of her best plant finds and which she highly recommends to others.

Other CBS members have contributed photographs: Arieh Tal, Carol Gracie, Carol Levine, and Virginia Magee. Massachusetts resident Arieh Tal has been photographing, studying and growing native plants for close to 20 years. In addition to this website, Arieh's photos can occasionally be found in the publications of several conservation organizations, such as the New England Wild Flower Society, The Nature Conservacy, and The Trustees of Reservations (Massachusetts). Arieh is also actively involved in conservation activities in the New England region (such as the Plant Conservation Volunteer program through the New England Wild Flower Society) and frequently leads field trips and workshops on plant-related topics. The two main focuses of his life - nature conservation and aesthetics - come together in his photography, samples of which can be found at his attractive website: Nature Through the Lens.

Carol Gracie organizes and leads international natural history tours for The New York Botanical Garden. Destinations include the Amazon, the Galapagos, and European sites known for their scenic beauty and profusion of wildflowers. She also collaborates with her husband on botanical research projects in South America and has published papers on pollination studies in French Guiana. Carol is a co-author of the two volume Guide to the Vascular Plants of Central French Guiana and contributed the majority of the photographs for the recently published Flowering Plants of the Neotropics. Her photos have appeared in many other publications. Carol's most recent project, Wildflowers in the Field and Forest: the Northeast, co-authored with Steve Clemants, was published in 2006. (The book is available from Oxford University Press and Amazon.) Carol lectures on wildflowers, both local and from afar and on some of her travel destinations. She volunteers with the Connecticut Plant Conservation Volunteers and is on the board of Bedford Audubon Society.

Carol Levine is an Instructor in field botany at the The New York Botanical Garden, recording secretary for the Torrey Botanical society, program chairman for CBS. She is author of A Guide to Wildflowers in Winter.

The fern and wildflower gallery pages are generated by Perl scripts. These scripts take data from spreadsheets and generate flat HTML files. The scripts were written by Chris Sarnowski. Chris is a programmer with the Bioinformatics Core at the University of Pennsylvania.

This site is hosted by Savage Joy Corporation.

© 2005 by Connecticut Botanical Society. Last updated March 2, 2008.