The Disability Law Center

 The Protection & Advocacy Agency for  Massachusetts 

Picture of a few of our clients

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MA DMH Risk Management Report

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Are You A Person With A Disability Who Has Had Difficulty Accessing Health Care In A Western Massachusetts Hospital?
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Board of Directors
Robert Whitney
Keith Jones
Jane Wiseman
Abigail Adams
Margaret Brown
Hollis Cotton
Chris Hart
Michael Muehe
Scott Semel
Matlyn Starks
Carol Steinberg


The Disability Law Center (DLC) is the Protection and Advocacy agency for Massachusetts.  DLC is a private, non-profit organization responsible for providing protection and advocacy for the rights of Massachusetts residents with disabilities. DLC receives federal, state and private funding but is not part of the state or federal government.

  Our Mission  
  To provide legal advocacy on disability issues that promote the fundamental rights of all people with disabilities to participate fully and equally in the social and economic life of Massachusetts.  
  What We Do  
  We provide information, referral, technical assistance and representation regarding legal rights and services for people with disabilities.  
  We provide legal services to eligible people and groups whose cases meet DLC’s priorities.  
   We seek to strike a balance between systemic advocacy and individual representation.  
  Our experienced lawyers and paralegals conduct trainings for community groups and other advocacy organizations.  
  Who We Serve  
  People with disabilities. DLC provides legal services to people in Massachusetts who have a wide range of physical, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.   
  People with disability related problems.  DLC serves individuals who experience discrimination, abuse or neglect or denial of services because of their disability.  DLC does not handle general legal problems such as obtaining a divorce, filing for bankruptcy or trust & estate issues.  
  People with disabilities whose legal problem falls within a priority.  Demand for DLC’s services far exceeds our resources.  DLC adopts annual priorities based on input from people with disabilities. Priorities are available upon request or can be seen on the DLC website.  
  People with disabilities whose case has merit and DLC has the staff time and resources necessary to resolve the issue.  Given DLC’s limited resources, DLC must concentrate staff time and funding on cases that meet our priorities and will make a significant impact for people with disabilities.  
   What Types of Problems Can We Help With?  

DLC has experienced staff who provide services in the following issue areas.  Please see DLC’s specific priorities for each of the issue areas listed below.

Access to Community Services
Special Education
Health Care
Disability Benefits
Rights and Conditions in Facilities
  We Seek Input On Our Priorities  

In order to use our advocacy resources in the most effective way possible, DLC undergoes an annual priority setting process.  An important part of that effort is to seek input from a broad range of people in the disability community.  Help us Shape our Priorities


  Member of the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Network

A member of the Massachusetts Network of Information Providers (MNIP)

member of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN)

A member of Massachusetts Legal Services

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