What is a Certificate of Free Sale?
A “Certificate of Free Sale” is a certificate issued by the Nevada Department of Agriculture which states that a particular product(s) is freely marketed in the state of Nevada and the U.S. The certificate is not a guarantee of any kind. The Department does not inspect a facility or require on-going supervision of the manufacturing of the products listed on a certificate. Applicants must sign a statement, included on the application, that their products are freely marketed in the U.S. NAC 587.345 authorizes the Department to issue and charge a $25.00 fee for each “Certificate of Free Sale”. Certificates will only be issued to companies located in the state of Nevada.

Request a Certificate

To Request a Certificate of Free Sale:

Application for Free Sale Certificate is available on line. Click here to download the application (pdf)

Or by calling (775) 688-1182 x 240

Fax completed application to:

Nevada Department of Agriculture
Fax (775) 688-1178

There is a minimum of 3 working days from the date of receipt to issuance of a certificate

There is a $25.00 fee for each certificate. An additional fee will be charged for voided certificates.

Certificates will only be issued to companies located in the state of Nevada.

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Last Updated: 12/27/07 02:47:38 PM 
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