NRS 576, Requirements for Buyers of Livestock and Farm Products
NRS 576.020 - Acting as a broker, dealer, commission merchant or agent without license is prohibited.


Agent—means any person who, on behalf of any commission merchant, dealer, broker or cash buyer, receives, contracts for or solicits the sale, exchange or transfer of farm products or livestock from a producer thereof, or who negotiates the consignment or purchase of any farm product or livestock on behalf of any commission merchant, dealer, broker or cash buyer.

Broker—means any person other than a dealer, commission merchant or cash buyer, who negotiates the purchase or sale of any farm product and who does not handle either the farm product involved or the proceeds of a sale.

Cash Buyer—means any person other than a commission merchant, dealer or broker, who purchases or offers to purchase any farm products or livestock for the purpose of procession or resale and who pays for the farm products or livestock in lawful money of the United States or by certified check at the time of purchase or delivery thereof, or at the time the price of the farm products or livestock may be determined, if the price or value thereof is subject to determination by inspection, grade or pack out.

Such “Cash Buyers” are exempt from licensing and bonding requirements of this chapter.

Commission Merchant—means any person other than a dealer, broker or cash buyer, who receives on consignment or solicits from the producer thereof for the purpose of resale, or who sells or offers for sale on commission any farm product or livestock, or who in any way handles for the account of, or as an agent of, the producer thereof on a commission basis any farm products or livestock.

Dealer—means any person other than a commission merchant, broker or cash buyer, who solicits, contracts for or obtains from the producer, agent or consignee thereof title, possession or control of any farm product or livestock, or who buys or agrees to buy any farm product or livestock from the producer thereof.

Livestock and Farm Product licenses may be obtained by calling the Nevada Department of Agriculture, Elko office at 775 738-8076 during normal business hours, Monday thru Friday, or click here for a link to license forms (provide a link here to forms).

Bonding requirements may apply.



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