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Fire Safe Links

The Fire Safe Council offers a range of fire safe education tools for individuals, business or local Fire Safe councils to raise awareness of the need to prepare for wildfires.

The Fire Safe Council, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, and other organizations have developed several educational brochures that homeowners may use to help protect themselves from damaging wildfires. The brochures are free to the public and may be downloaded and distributed. However, any additions, deletions or changes to the brochures' content and information must be approved by the Fire Safe Council, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and other author organizations.

Resources for Homeowners:

Get Ready For Fire Season PDF

Fire Safe Council Brochure PDF

Fire Safe Landscaping (PDF's)

Homeowner Checklist | Espanol PDF

California Fire Plan

Fire Safe - Inside and Out:
Long Version | Short Version

Fire Safe Gardens

"How Fire Safe is Your House?" Questionnaire

UWI Building Standards:

Resources for Local Fire Safe Councils:

Fire Safe Landscaping Brochures

California Fire Plan

Placing a PSA

Media Handbook

Community Relations Manual

Policies and Procedures Order Form

CWPP Simple Template DOC

How to Hire an FSC Coordinator

Community Fire Plan Template DPF

Community Fire Plan Template (Abridged) PDF

Community Wildfire Protection Plan Leaders Guide (CWPP LG and LGS) PDF

Resources from other Local Fire Safe Councils:

Fallbrook Fire Safe Council's Before and After Fuel Reduction Persuader JPG

Circle Oaks Homeowners Association Services in Kind form JPG

Circle Oaks Homeowners Association Property Inspection Form- Residential Lot JPG

Circle Oaks Homeowners Association Property Inspection Form- Vacant Lot JPG

Lytle Creek Home Inspection Report and San Bernardino County Code DOC

Butte County Fire Safe Council Educational PowerPoint Presentation PPT

Lower Mattole Project Implementation Form DOC

Lower Mattole Fire Plan PDF

Blue Mountains District of the NSW Rural Fire Service DOC