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Activites: NIOSH Funded Research Grants

NIOSH sponsors research and training through its extramural programs, which complement the Institute's intramural programs. More information is available from the NIOSH Office of Extramural Programs.

Multipurpose Protective Clothes for Emergency Responders

The specific aims of the proposed research areto the following: (1) screen reusable and rechargeable polymeric oxidizers that can effectively decontaminate surrogates of biological and chemical warfare agents; (2) establish the optimal formulations and technologies to coat the selected polymeric oxidizers onto thermal protective fabrics through breathable flame-retardant coatings containing chemical absorbents; (3) evaluate the thermal protective, biological protective and chemical protective functions, the mechanical properties, as well as the comfort performance of the new fabrics; and (4) collect preliminary data to determine the cost of the new approach.

Project contact: Yuyu Sun
University of Texas at Austin
Project period: 2005 - 2007

Practical Circadian Interventions for Night Shift Work

This project will determine whether the compromise phase position can be achieved and maintained in the treatment groups despite alternations between series of night shifts and days off. We will determine whether more subjects in the treatment groups than in the control groups obtain a favorable compromise phase position. We will determine whether the treatment groups perform better and feel more alert on the night shift than the control groups, and whether they obtain more sleep.

Project contact : Charmane Eastman
Rush University Medical Center
Project period : 1999 - 2008

Sleep Disorders Management, Health and Safety in Police

By establishing a comprehensive sleep disorders detection and treatment program and rigorously testing its effects across a range of health, safety, and work outcomes, this study aims to develop a model program that can be broadly replicated to improve the safety, health, and performance of police officers, as well as other shift workers, across the country.

Project contact : Charles Czeisler
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Project period : 2004 - 2007

Violence Against Teachers: Etiology and Consequences

The primary aims of this effort are to (1) determine the magnitude and consequences of physical and nonphysical violence within a major population of elementary and secondary teachers and (2) identify relevant risk factors for physical assault, using a case-control design.

Project contact : Susan Gerberich
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Project period : 2004 - 2007

New York Restaurant Worker Health and Safety Project

This study aims to do the following: (1) create a Restaurant Safety and Health Task Force to govern the project; (2) design and test a set of improved ergonomic and work organizational conditions in a model cooperatively-owned restaurant; (3) create and train occupational health promoters among interested restaurant workers and their subsequent use as teachers; (4) quantify and clinical assess the nature and extent of work-related hazards, injuries and illnesses among restaurant workers; and (5) specify dissemination methods, including an employer technical assistance service, a Restaurant Industry Summit, and publication of industry-specific health service and workplace guidelines.

Project contact : Saru Jayaraman
ROC of New York
Project period : 2005 - 2009

Asian Girls for Environmental Health

POLISH (Participatory Research, Organizing and Leadership Initiative for Safety and Health) will research, using a community based participatory research methodology, Asian Pacific Islander women's and girls' exposure to hazards in beauty products in Alameda County, California. POLISH will research (1) Asian Pacific Islander teenage girls' exposures through personal use of beauty products and (2) Vietnamese women's exposures through their work in nail salons.

Project contact : Eveline Shen
| Asian/Pacific Islanders for Reproductive Health
Project Period : 2004 - 2008

Longitudinal Study of Isocyanate Asthma in Body Shops

This study aims to do the following: (1) characterize the natural history of isocyanate exposure by following subjects over the next 5 years with repeated exposure assessment and measurements of respiratory and immunologic function; (2) address healthy worker effect by supplementing the existing cohort with an inception cohort of new workers hired during the followup period; and (3) confirm all cases developing new onset asthma by specific inhalation challenge to establish the exposure patterns, pre-clinical physiologic and immunologic features and host factors which confer risk for isocyanate asthma.

Project contact : Mark Cullen
Yale University
Project period : 2002 - 2007

Nail Salon Hazards and Health Effects

The study aims to conduct a community-based, comprehensive investigation of both the technical and social issues related to the nail salon work environment and health hazard prevalence in salon workers. Through consultation with a Research Advisory Group, site visits to salons, and in-depth and relationship-building interviews with stakeholders, the investigator will (1) design an exposure assessment strategy appropriate to the evaluation of nail salon work environments; (2) design a survey to assess occupationally-related health effects in nail salon workers; (3) pilot the exposure assessment strategy and health effects survey to evaluate feasibility and validity; (4) assess the social context of occupational health issues as they relate to nail salon work; and (5) determine access strategies and build relationships to facilitate this project and a larger-scale study.

Project contact : Cora Roelofs
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Project period : 2003 - 2006

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