Public Records Disclosure

Washington law (Chapter 42.56 RCW) requires that identifiable public records be made available promptly to members of the public for inspection and copying upon request. Only records that are exempt by law may be withheld from disclosure. Allowable exemptions are detailed in RCW 42.56.050, 42.56.070, 42.56.210, 43.21A.160, 70.94.205, 70.105.170 and 90.52.020. These exemptions are generally intended to prevent invasion of privacy and the use of public records for personal, commercial or political gain. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Information regarding agency personnel, such as social security numbers, home phone numbers, home addresses, resumés and employment applications.
  • Certain investigative records relating to enforcement.
  • Examination test scores.
  • Data, the disclosure or information of which if disclosed could result in private gain and/or public loss.
  • Drafts and intra-agency memos that express an opinion, formulate policy, or make recommendations.
  • Correspondence between agency staff and the Attorney General's Office.
  • Information for use in a political campaign.
  • Information whose release would constitute an invasion of privacy as defined in RCW 42.56.050.

Each Ecology program, executive office and regional office has a designated Public Records / Public Disclosure Coordinator.

To make a request for public records, . . .

. . . provide a detailed description of the requested records or information (subject, dates, location, etc.) to:

Ecology's Public Disclosure Officer
Phone: 360-407-6040
FAX: 360-407-7060
Mail: Public Disclosure Officer, WA Dept. of Ecology, PO Box 47600, Olympia, WA 98504-7600

If you know the Ecology program or region involved, you may submit your request directly to the appropriate Public Records / Public Disclosure Coordinator via e-mail, phone, fax, or mail.

The Public Records Request Form may be used but it is not required. If you choose to use the form, please download it in either PDF or Microsoft Word format to your computer, fill in the requested information and send it to Ecology as described above. Note: Adobe Reader does not save data entered in a PDF form.

Copy fees may be charged.

If you have questions about public records disclosure, . . .

. . . contact Ecology's Public Disclosure Officer (E-mail:, phone: 360-407-6040 or FAX: 360-407-7060).

Public Records /
Public Disclosure Coordinators

Public Records Request Form

Copy Fee Schedule