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Fact Sheets

NOFA Vermont Dairy and Livestock Fact Sheets

Cornell University: Agronomy

Cornell University’s Nutrient Management Spear Program provides fact sheets on agronomy.

Cornell Cooperative Extension: Vegetable MD Online

Cornell University has dozens of fact sheets on all aspects of production, pest management, and post harvest handling for specific crops. Information on diseases can be found at their Plant Clinic. While fact sheets on insect are at: Cornell Entomology.

Dairy, Crop and Livestock Resources from New England Cooperative Extension

The New England Extension Consortium provides dairy and livestock information on

Crops, livestock, production, management and marketing.

New England Extension Food Safety Consortium

The New England Extension Food Safety Consortium provides information on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), including on-farm water resources, pick-your-own, in the field, barn and packing houses.


A resource for organic apple production


Ohio State University’s PlantFacts web site is a fact-sheet data base that answers plant-related questions from 46 different universities and government institutions across the United States and Canada. It has over 59,000 pages of Extension fact sheets and bulletins.

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pest Management Office

The University of Maine Pest Management office has 100’s of leaflets on apples, blueberries, broccoli, greenhouses, potatoes, strawberries, and sweet corn. Potatoes can also be found at the Potato Program. Insect fact sheets can be found at: Insect Fact Sheets.

University of Massachusetts (UMASS) Extension Fact Sheets

The University of Massachusetts has 100’s of leaflets on insect and mites, diseases, plant culture and maintenance, integrated pest management, and a weed herbarium. These leaflets are very readable and informative.

University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire has dozen of leaflets on animals, fruits and vegetables, forage crops, turf, greenhouse and ornamentals crops. These leaflets are very readable and informative.

University of Vermont (UVM) Extension

The University of Vermont has 100’s of leaflets on fruit, vegetables, flowers, lawns, trees, ornamentals, pests and their life-cycles. These leaflets are very readable and informative.

Vermont Vegetable and Berry Page, UVM Extension

Vern Grubinger’s, Ph.D. The Vermont Vegetable and Berry Page WWW site contains a plethora of resources on every topic for commercial growers, including: Fact Sheets.

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