
International Conference: Biofuels for Transportation - Event Agenda with Presentation PDFs

For more on the report, read the complete press release, view selected trends and facts from the report, register (free) or log in to our site to download PDF files of the short and extended summaries, and view a transcript from the morning session of the conference. The full report will be available later in the year.
EBF-Bozzella.pdf35.1 KB
EBF-Conze.pdf121.33 KB
EBF-Deutmeyer.pdf1.46 MB
EBF-Faaij.pdf966.63 KB
EBF-Hunt.pdf395.79 KB
EBF-OEKO.pdf83.47 KB
EBF-Passmore.pdf769.25 KB
EBF-Sagari.pdf43.47 KB
EBF-Schmitz.pdf976.6 KB
EBF-Trindade.pdf33.83 KB
EBF-Tuttle.pdf277.13 KB
EBF-Utria.pdf48.18 KB

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Transcript: Morning Session - Biofuels For Transportation Conference

by Worldwatch Institute on June 9, 2006
CHRISTOPHER FLAVIN: It is a real pleasure to welcome all of you to the Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill here today. My name is Chris Flavin. I’m president of the Worldwatch Institute, and it is our great honor and pleasure to be able to host this event on global biofuels and the potential to meet a variety of needs over the years to come.

Biofuels for Transportation: Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Agriculture and Energy in the 21st Century

Biofuels Summary CoverBiofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel can significantly reduce global dependence on oil, according to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute, released in collaboration with the German Agencies for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and Renewable Resources (FNR). Biofuels for Transportation: Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Agriculture and Energy in the 21st Century, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV), is a comprehensive assessment of the opportunities and risks associated with the large-scale international development of biofuels.
Biofuels for Transportation - Short Summary748 KB

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