Adams County
Family & Consumer Science

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Food Safety & Nutrition

Nutrition, diet and human health

There is a national concern regarding nutrition, diet and human health. The 5 leading causes of death are diet related: heart disease, several cancers, stroke, diabetes, and athersclerosis. Food borne illness can be prevented by teaching safe food handling practices in food preparation, preservation and storage.

Food Preservation & Storage

Questions can be answered through links on the CSU website, phone calls to the agent, or through articles published in the local and major papers. Pressure canners can be tested for accuracy and a thorough examination of all parts. Along with the testing, a packet of the latest research on food preservation and a certificate recording the test results will be included. The cost is $5. An appointment is necessary.


Dietary and nutrition questions can be answered through links to the CSU website, phone calls to the agent and through articles published in the local major paper.


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