What is SEPA?  - A state policy that requires state and local agencies to consider the likely environmental consequences of a proposal before approving or denying the proposal. Focus Sheet with more information (50k pdf).

What’s New?

SEPA Register – How to submit SEPA Documents to Ecology PLUS link to SEPA’s on-line database.

Guidance documents:

SEPA, SEPA Rules, and related information:

SEPA Workshops - The Department of Ecology periodically offers training on SEPA. Please check periodically for future classes.

SEPA Unit Contact Information:

PO Box 47703
Olympia WA 98504-7703
(360) 407-6922
email: sepaunit@ecy.wa.gov

Office of Regulatory Assistance

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Agencies SEPA
Contact List

SEPA Forms