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Thomas Pyle 6th Graders Showcase Bay Projects

Pyle Middle School
Science Teachers Jennifer Goodstein, Margy Hall, Concetta Williamson and Emily Wenker, are joined by Principal Michael Zarchin and Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler with some of the 460 6th grade students who celebrated Chesapeake Bay Extravaganza at Thomas Pyle Middle School in Bethesda MD.

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May 2008 --On Thursday, May 22, Thomas Pyle Middle School in Bethesda, Maryland, hosted its annual Chesapeake Bay Extravaganza. The event showcased the work of the school’s 460 sixth grade students. 

Throughout the course of the year, each one of these students spent a total of ten hours outside of class devoted to analyzing and solving an environmental problem that plagues the Bay. Their work culminated in an end of the year extravaganza that attracted friends, families and elected officials.

During the event, Jeff Lape, the director of the Bay Program, gave a speech congratulating students on a job well done.  He encouraged the students to take their projects one step further by committing to the following pledge:

I pledge to:

  • Continue to LEARN about the Bay and its watershed
  • Perform actions to HELP the Bay and its many tributaries
  • Spread the word to SAVE the Bay

Students are encouraged to commit to the pledge by clicking here.

Events such as this extravaganza are taking place at schools throughout the watershed, allowing students to discover first-hand the value of this unique ecosystem. With their help, we can make the waters of the Chesapeake cleaner, student by student.

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Last modified: 05/23/2008
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