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Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1995
NCES: 95082
October 1995

List of Tables and Figures


  • Table 1: Percent of public elementary schools with full- and part-time arts specialists, by the number of specialists on staff 1994
  • Table 2: Mean number of minutes per week students in public elementary schools receive separate instruction in music and visual arts from both arts specialists and classroom teachers: 1994
  • Table 3: Percent of public elementary schools that offer instruction in music and visual arts and indicating that a specially equipped space is provided, by school characteristics: 1994
  • Table 4: Percent of public elementary schools with music and visual arts specialists on staff and indicating the use of different activities in their teaching: 1994
  • Table 5: Percent of public secondary schools that offer separate instruction in various arts subjects, by school characteristics: 1994
  • Table 6: Mean number of courses, teachers, and specially equipped spaces provided by public secondary schools, by arts subject: 1993-94
  • Table 7: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools having a district arts coordinator or curriculum specialist in the arts, by school characteristics: 1994.
  • Table 8: Percent of public secondary schools requiring credit in the arts for graduation, by school characteristics: 1994
  • Table 9: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools offering inservice training or other professional development activities in the arts, by school characteristics: 1993-94
  • Table 10: Mean number of informal and formal exhibitions and performances of students' art work in all public elementary and secondary schools: 1993-94
  • Table 11: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools that publish literary magazines of students' work, by school characteristics: 1994
  • Table 12: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools indicating the extent of parental involvement in various activities related to the school's arts program: 1994
  • Table 13: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools indicating how various aspects of the school's arts program have changed in the past 5 years: 1994
  • Table 14: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools indicating the extent to which various influencers make decisions regarding the school's arts program: 1994
  • Table 15: Number and percent of responding public schools in the study sample and estimated number and percent of public schools the sample represents, by school characteristics: 1994


  • Figure 1: Percent of public elementary schools that offer music and visual arts: 1994
  • Figure 2: Percent of public elementary schools with music programs that include general, instrumental, or vocal music: 1994
  • Figure 3: Percent of public elementary schools that offer music and visual arts, by type of instructor: 1994
  • Figure 4: Percent of public elementary schools that offer visual arts, by type of instructor, by geographic region: 1994
  • Figure 5: Percent of public elementary schools that offer music and visual arts and are served by arts specialists: 1994
  • Figure 6: Percent of public elementary schools that offer dance: 1994
  • Figure 7: Percent of public elementary schools that offer drama and theatre: 1994
  • Figure 8: Percent of public elementary schools offering various methods of creative writing instruction:(1994)
  • Figure 9: Percent of public secondary schools that offer separate instruction in various arts subjects: 1994
  • Figure 10: Percent of public elementary schools that offer music and visual arts and indicating that curriculum guidelines are provided by the district: 1994
  • Figure 11: Percent of public secondary schools that offer instruction in various arts subjects and indicating that curriculum guidelines are provided by the district: 1994
  • Figure 12: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools indicating awareness of the voluntary National Standards for Arts Education, and percent of those schools incorporating some of the standards into their arts programs: 1994
  • Figure 13: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools having artists-in-residence in various arts subjects during the past 5 years: 1994
  • Figure 14: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools indicating the contributions their artists-in-residence have made to the school: 1994
  • Figure 15: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools that publish literary magazines of students work: 1994
  • Figure 16: Percent of public elementary and secondary schools indicating the use or integration of technology in the teaching of various arts subjects: 1994
  • Figure 17: Percent of respondents indicating that education in various arts subjects is essential or very important relative to other academic subjects: 1994
