Welcome to the Nevada Department of Agriculture Noxious Weeds.   Our mission is to effectively coordinate resources and efforts toward proactive prevention, control, and management of invasive weed species in Nevada to benefit all land users in the state.                 Noxious Weeds Sitemap                                          

Weed Control

Look for companies licensed in the following categories depending upon your needs
C1 - Ornamental & Turf
C5 - Aquatic
C6 - Right-of-Way
B2 - Agricultural Herbicides

Licensed PC Companies


         Weed Laws

Inspection and Destruction of Noxious Weeds Section of NRS 555 advises that the control of noxious weeds is the responsibility of every landowner or occupant.  NAC 555

Noxious Weed Complaint Form (online form)
click for Weed Laws

  Noxious Weed List

List of Noxious weeds in the State of Nevada.
Photographs of some weeds are also available   
click for Weed List  

Invasive Weed ID for Nevada (pdf)   


    County Contacts

Click for County Contacts

 Nevada Weed Groups

Nevada Weed Groups
 Nevada Weed Control
      click here for 2008




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Reno, NV 89502
Fax: 775 688-1178
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West Nile Virus Information
West Nile Virus


  Estray Horses 

Copyright @ 2005 Dept of Agriculture
Last Updated: 12/27/07 02:47:38 PM 
Web Development by LMDeSantis
DoIT Web Development Team, AD&D 

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