
Considered ultra-oligotrophic, Lake Superior has less of a capacity to support aquatic life than do the other Great Lakes. As a result, Lake Superior has fewer fish species (89) and produces less fish per surface area than the other Great Lakes. Still, commercial and recreational fisheries are important. The health of Lake Superior’s fishery has improved tremendously during the last 30 years. For example, the rehabilitation of naturally reproducing lake trout populations has eliminated the need to stock lake trout in many areas. Problems remain for the fishery and the ecosystem, however, like the intentional and unintentional introductions of non-native species, habitat destruction,development, and pollution.

Sea Grant strives to improve our knowledge of Lake Superior fisheries by funding research and conducting outreach to understand food web interactions, fish population and community dynamics, socio-economic impacts of fishery management decisions, the impacts of contaminants and fish habitat alteration and the use of fish as food.


Estimated Economic Impact of Recreational Fishing on Minnesota Waters of Lake Superior
The recreational fishing inudustry contributed approximately $9.74 million in direct expenditures to the state in 1990
Watch for Nets!Watch for Nets!
Learn to identify and avoid commercial fishing nets in Minnesota waters of Lake Superior.

Fish Consumption & Health

Scientists Find Bird and Human E. coli in Wild FishScientists Find Bird and Human E. coli in Wild Fish
Fish in the Duluth-Superior Harbor can carry bacteria from other species, which has implications for anglers and beach monitoring programs.<
Eat More and Better Fish
Minnesota Sea Grant recommends you eat fish, particularly ciscoes (formerly called lake herring) and whitefish from Lake Superior.
Fish Oil and Your Health
The discovery that fish oil may have unique benefits in the fight against coronary heart disease has stimulated a tremendous amount of research.
Siscowet TroutSiscowet Trout: A Plague of Riches
Despite Lake Superior’s chilly temperatures and relatively low productivity, it has a lot of fat fish!
Lake TroutLake Trout are Heart-Friendly
Fat can be good for you! Fish oil has been found to help prevent heart attacks. Siscowet lake trout are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids.


Pulp Mill Effluent and FishPulp Mill Effluent and Fish Don't Mix (Well)
Endocrine disrupting chemicals found in pulp mill wastewater can impact fish. Five scientists discuss what they learned from Canadian and U.S. rivers surrounding Lake Superior.
NOAA LogoVHS Virus Facts
A fact sheet about Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia.
SmeltThe Mystery of the Missing Smelt
Many factors have been playing into the fluctuation of the smelt population.
dead sturgeonSturgeon Deaths
Why were dead sturgeon washing up around Duluth last fall?
Federal Order about Fish Virus Disrupts Industry, Agencies, and Anglers
Fish management and fish farming in the Great Lakes has received a significant one-two punch.
Lake Superior and Michigan Fisheries: A Closer Look
An examination of the Lake Superior fishery, using Lake Michigan as a reference point.
Understanding Fisheries Management
This 36-page PDF document is a manual for understanding what our Great Lakes fishery management decisions are based on and how management decisions are made.

Fish Preparation

Cooking Your Catch
Here’s some general techniques for preparing Great Lakes fish, once you’ve made your catch, including storage, thawing, cooking, as well as five tried-and-true recipes.
Timetable for Cooking Fish
How long you cook your fish depends on what form it’s in, as well as your cooking method.
Upper Great Lakes Fish Boil: A Tasty Tradition
Learn more about this Great Lakes tradition that has been around for over one hundred years.
Smelt — Dip Net to Dish
With dip nets, buckets, and waders in hand, the smelters long to once again feel the exuberance of free flowing water and to try their hand at catching these delicious little fish.
Craving for Crayfish
Today, crayfish are appearing in northern grocery stores as more people realize that cooked crayfish are tasty and healthful.

See Also

Aquatic Invasive Species
Several Aquatic Invasive Species are fish that threaten our ecosystem and economy.
Aquaculture is the general term used to describe the breeding and rearing of aquatic animals and plants in controlled or selected environments.
Superior Science News
A radio series about Lake Superior research.



Jeff Gunderson
Fisheries Specialist

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This page last modified on November 26, 2008
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