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OYA Parole & Probation
Treatment Services
Field Parole and Probation Offices
The Oregon Youth Authority provides parole and probation services in all 36 counties in Oregon . The 36 counties are divided into 11 service areas with a designated field supervisor for each of the areas.
The Oregon Youth Authority exercises legal and physical custody over youth offenders who commit offenses between the ages of 12 and 18 and have been committed to the OYA by county juvenile courts. Youth offenders may remain in OYA’s legal and physical custody up to age 25.
In addition to juvenile court commitments, OYA can have physical custody of young offenders who commit crimes while under age 18, are convicted in adult court after jurisdiction or statutory judicial waiver or Measure 11 charge, and are in the legal custody of the Oregon Department of Corrections. OYA may retain custody of these offenders up to age 25.
The primary focus of the Oregon Youth Authority’s parole and probation services is the case management and supervision of youth placed in youth correctional facilities, residential programs and foster care. 
The goal of case management is to target the specific criminogenic risk factors of each youth offender identified through the Risk/Needs assessment. Case management is implemented through an individualized case plan and supported by risk-based supervision utilizing a continuum of sanctions and services, which continue until a youth terminates from OYA custody. These responses and services are designed to provide youth offenders with opportunities for reformation and support positive adjustments while reducing the risk of future criminal activity.  
Partnerships between the Oregon Youth Authority, county juvenile departments, private providers and other stakeholders promote effective communication, shared case planning, efficient service delivery, and utilizes best practice models designed to reduce recidivism. 
Family involvement is a high priority for field services. Families are encouraged to participate in case planning by attending multidisciplinary team meetings, family conferences, and home visit check ins.

Treatment Services

Field Parole and Probation Offices

Page updated: August 20, 2007

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