United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Manure Production/Nutrient Content Data

(As Excreted and After Storage, Handling, and Treatment Losses)

Animal Type Animals per AU Manure production (as excreted) (tons/AU) Nitrogen (as excreted) (pounds/ton) Nitrogen (after losses*) (pounds/ton) Phosphate (as excreted) (pounds/ton) Phosphate (after losses*) (pounds/ton) Potassium (as excreted) (pounds/ton) Potassium (after losses*) (pounds/ton) Estimated growth cycles per year
Beef Cows 1.00 11.50 10.95 3.30 3.79 3.23 8.25 7.44 1
Dairy Cows 0.74 15.24 10.69 4.30 1.92 1.65 6.70 6.04 1
Heifers & Dairy Calves 1.82 12.05 6.06 1.82 1.30 1.10 5.03 4.53 1
Steers, Calves, & Bulls 1.64 10.59 10.98 3.30 3.37 2.86 7.87 7.08 1
Swine, Breeders 2.67 6.11 13.26 3.32 4.28 3.62 7.85 7.16 2
Swine, Slaughters 9.09 14.69 11.30 2.82 3.29 2.80 7.95 7.16 1
Hens & Pullets 250.00 11.45 26.93 18.46 9.98 8.50 10.44 9.40 1
Broilers 455.00 14.97 26.83 16.10 7.80 6.61 10.49 9.48 6
Turkeys for Slaughter 67.00 8.18 30.36 16.18 11.83 10.06 11.61 10.44 2
Turkeys Hens for Breeding 50.00 9.12 22.41 11.20 13.23 11.23 7.60 6.84 1

* Nutrient content at the time of land application