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What’s On the Horizon? The Future of Natural Landscaping in America by Neil Diboll. "We are entering a new world order. A world of increasing scarcity. A world of spiraling costs for basic commodities. And a world in which we must finally learn to live within the means of Planet Earth."

Humblebee Bumblebee Journal article. (340 KB PDF File)
How much do you know about bumblebees? Find out what you need to know, and learn why they're so important for everyone – including native plant gardeners.
From March/April 2007 Wild Ones Journal.

Dropping Our Tools on the Way to the New HQ Journal article. (384 KB PDF File)
The new National Headquarters will be a destination for Wild Ones members everywhere, a place for landscape demonstrations, and a center for learning.
From May/June 2006 Wild Ones Journal.

The Roundup Myth: An Opinion Journal article. (393 KB PDF File)
Is it ever "OK" to use Roundup or other herbicides? What do you need to know about it? What's the fact and what is myth?
From November/December 2006 Wild Ones Journal.

Garlic Mustard: Odiferous Invader Journal article. (432 KB PDF File)
Looks like mustard. Crush the leaves and it smells like garlic. Now you know where the name comes from – read on to find out why you don't want it around.
From July/August 2006 Wild Ones Journal.

The Marsh: Nature's Water Purifier Journal article. (263 KB PDF File)
Often overlooked, marshes are an important part of the ecosphere – and the proposed Wild Ones HQ property has a great marsh remnant that we can help preserve.
From July/August 2006 Wild Ones Journal.

Doing Right By Trees and Shrubs Journal article. (154 KB PDF File)
The "dos" and "don'ts" of planting trees and shrubs.
From March/April 2003 Wild Ones Journal.

Restoring Shorelands: A Growing Solution Journal article. (160 KB PDF File)
People and communities are recognizing the benefits of natural shorelands and actively restoring them.
From January/February 2003 Wild Ones Journal.

Grow It! Don't Mow It (12 KB)
For those who undertake natural landscaping in their own front and backyards, five simple steps may minimize potential conflicts and avoid “weed wars.” They can be remembered by the acronym, BRASH.

Grow It! Don't Mow It, PDF version (198 KB PDF File)
This PDF file contains 2 pages.

In Harmony with Nature brochure (6,965 KB PDF File)
This PDF file contains 2 pages which represent both sides of our brochure, "In Harmony With Nature - Landscaping with Native Plants". The pages are legal size, 14 x 8-1/2 inches, and it is best printed at that size, using the "landscape" orientation on legal size paper.

A Landscape Worth Considering brochure (293 KB PDF File)
This PDF file contains 2 pages which represent both sides of our brochure, "A Landscape Worth Considering -- Landscaping with Native Plants". The pages are legal size, 14 x 8 1/2 inches, and it is best printed at that size, using the "landscape" orientation on legal size paper.

Raingardens -- Wild Ones newest brochure will give you a brief overview of what's behind the hype about raingardens

Membership Applications -- Join Wild Ones brochure (PDF files): half-page size, legal size

Why We Cannot Ignore Invasive Plants 140 KB PDF File)
A tragedy is silently but relentlessly unfolding before our eyes. All around the world, as the human population becomes increasingly mobile, the spread of ecologically invasive plants is taking its toll. This pdf file will help people recognize these weeds of the wild and the consequences of allowing them to proliferate.

Dealing with Alien Invasives: Know the Enemy (210 KB PDF File)
Suggestions for controlling invasive species.

Garden or Priaire in a Can? Hold it! (150 KB PDF File)
Wildflower seed mixes include some wicked bloomers.

Why Wild Ones? (155 KB PDF File)
This PDF file contains 1 page. As more and more of us acknowledge the value of environmental stewardship, we seek ways to help. This page helps us understand why.

Growing Vine Street (162 KB PDF File)
This PDF file contains 2 pages and is an example of a project, still in the planning stages, which incorporates native plants into an urban streetscape as part of a most interesting and creative way to manage storm water run-off.

Ecoregions Brochure (245 KB PDF File)
The Nature Conservancy's ecoregion map is the most helpful U.S. guide for helping native plant enthusiasts choose plants from within a specific geographic region.

Local Ecotypes Brochure (178 KB PDF Fiile)
We advocate the selection of plants and seeds derived, insofar as is possible, from local or regional sources at sites having the same or similar environmental conditions as the site of planting. Such plant material is often termed the local ecotype. Download the complete Wild Ones Guideline.

How I Created My Woodland: Or, What I Did to Save My Rescued Woodland Plants (288 KB PDF File)
Skillful planting (and planning) lead to a great woodland. By Donna VanBuecken, Wild Ones National Director.

Need a logo for your Wild Ones project? Get the logo guidelines and the electronic logo files. Note: The Wild Ones logo is the official registered trademark of Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes. The Wild Ones logo is protected by law, and may not be used by other organizations or entities without express written permission from Wild Ones.

Home © Wild Ones®. All rights reserved.
Updated: Nov 04, 2008.