Botanical Soceity of America

Bylaws of the Sections of the Botanical Society of America

  1. Bryological & Lichenological
  2. Developmental & Structural
  3. Ecological
  4. Economic Botany
  5. Genetics
  6. Historical
  7. Mycological
  8. Paleobotanical
  9. Phycological
  10. Physiological
  11. Phytochemical
  12. Pteridological
  13. Systematics
  14. Teaching
  15. Tropical Biology
  16. Mid-Continent
  17. Northeastern
  18. Pacific
  19. Southeastern


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To promote interest in bryophytes and lichens, and to encourage research on these groups.
    To promote communication among those interested in bryophytes and lichens by means of periodic meetings, seminars, symposia, and publication of abstracts in cooperation with the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, or other societies of similar interests.
    To encourage the dissemination of bryological and lichenological research results by publication or by other means.

ARTICLE II. Officers

  1. The officers shall include a Chairperson and a Chairperson-Elect. There shall be an executive council of the Section, comprised of these officers plus the immediate Past Chairperson.

  2. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall appoint all committees, and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office. The Chairperson, or another officer of the Section designated by the Chairperson, shall attend the annual meetings of the Council of the Botanical Society. The Chairperson shall promote a close working relationship with the officers of the American Bryological and Lichenological Society. The term of office of the Chairperson shall be three years.

  3. The Chairperson-Elect shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, and be responsible for collection of any dues and handling of funds belonging to the Section. The Chairperson-Elect shall cooperate in arranging the program of the annual meeting with the Program Officer of the American Bryological and Lichenological Society. The term of office shall be three years.

  4. Officers shall be elected at a business session of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program for the annual meeting at which the session is being held. They will assume office at the close of the annual meeting.

  5. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three appointed by the Chairperson.

  6. The two officers (Chairperson and Chairperson-Elect) shall be elected in sequence, one each year. The terms of the officers for the first year will differ to allow for this sequence: a Chairperson will be elected for two years and a Chairperson-Elect for three years.

ARTICLE III. Special Meetings

    The Section may arrange special meetings whenever desirable.

ARTICLE IV. Membership

  1. There shall be two classes of membership as provided for in Article VIII (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.

  2. Regular members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. who wish to belong to the Section shall notify the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. of their interest. Their names shall then be placed on the active membership roll. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Section shall maintain the active membership roll of the Section by circularizing the members listed at least once every three years regarding their interest in continuing affiliations with the Section. Names of members failing to respond to the membership questionnaire may be placed on the inactive roll at the discretion of the Secretary-Treasurer.

  3. No dues shall be assessed to members of the Section who are members in good standing of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. However, special assessments, as required to defray incidental expenses of the Section, may be authorized by vote at the annual business meeting. Section members will be notified by mail of any special assessments. Eligibility to vote and to receive the benefits of membership in the Section shall be limited to those members who have paid any special assessments voted by the members of the Section at the annual business meeting.

  4. Individuals who are not members of the Botanical Society but who are members in good standing of some organization affiliated with A.A.A.S. or A.I.B.S. may be admitted as affiliates of the Section. Affiliates shall be subject to those conditions specified for non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., in Article VIII (paragraph 1), of the Bylaws of The Society. Prospective affiliates shall notify the Secretary-Treasurer of their interest in becoming a Section affiliate. Affiliates may attend all meetings of the Section and participate in its programs. They will not receive a copy of the abstracts or other incidental materials published at the expense of The Society unless they are dues-paying members of The Society. Affiliates may, however, purchase such abstracts and incidental materials directly from The Society. They may serve on all committees except the nominating committee. They shall not vote for officers nor hold office in the Section.

  5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send each affiliate a notice of any assessment due within one month after each annual meeting. If payment is not received within four months thereafter, the names shall be dropped from the membership list. A lapsed member may re-instate himself at any time by payment of dues for the current year.

ARTICLE V. Amendments

  1. The Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a regularly scheduled business meeting. All amendments must be submitted to the Chairman at least 60 days before the annual meeting, and copies of the proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership not less than 30 days nor more than 50 days prior to an annual meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this Section will be:

    To stimulate interest and encourage research and teaching in plant development and structure.
    To stress the importance of the inter-relationships of development and structure with other aspects of biology.
    To assist in dissemination and promulgation of knowledge on plant development and structure.
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations and other sections of The Society in achieving these ends.
    To arrange a suitable program on developmental and structural subjects for inclusion in the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
ARTICLE II. Membership

  1. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc., may join the Developmental and Structural Section upon noting this on the membership form submitted annually to The Society.
  2. Individuals who are not members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. may be admitted as affiliate members of the Section. Affiliates shall be subject to the conditions specified for non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. (Article VIII, Section 1).
  3. Members will be assessed annual dues of $2 to support the activities of the Section. Exceptional expenses may be met by instigating a special assessment by majority vote of the members present at a business meeting of the Section.

  1. Officers of the Section shall include a Chair, Program Director, and Treasurer. There shall be an executive council consisting of these officers plus the immediate past-chair.
  2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section and the Executive Committee shall appoint all ad hoc committees after consultation with other officers, serve as the Section's representative on the Council and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for the office.
  3. The Program Director shall serve as chair of the section in the absence of the Chair, shall arrange the annual program for the Sectional meetings, in consultation with other Sections, keep records of the Section, and carry on necessary correspondence.
  4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the Section's funds, membership dues, and contributions in cooperation with the Society's Treasurer and the Manager of their business office, and shall assist Section members in seeking sources of additional funds for special purposes and programs. The Treasurer will, in consultation with the Section's and Society's Program Directors, arrange the Section's annual business meeting, and report on the fiscal status of the Section at that meeting.
  5. The three officers will serve staggered three year terms, such that one new officer is elected each year at a business meeting of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program. At least two candidates for an office shall be nominated at the annual meeting by the Executive Committee. Nominations will also be received from the floor. The term of office begins at the close of the annual meeting.
  6. In the event that an officer is unable to perform regular duties, the office shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointment of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE IV. Special Meetings

  1. The Section may arrange special meetings whenever desirable.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
  1. These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting of the Section. All amendments must be submitted to the Chair not less than sixty days before the annual meeting so that copies of proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership before the annual meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this Section will be:

    To encourage research and teaching in the ecology of plants,
    To stress the importance of understanding the roles of plants in ecosystems and their adaptations to environments,
    To cooperate with other societies, sections and organizations in achieving these ends,
    To encourage the dissemination of knowledge of ecological research among other botanists by publication and other means, and
    To arrange suitable programs on the ecology of plants for inclusion in the meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
ARTICLE II. Membership
  1. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc. may become a member of the Ecological Section upon notice to the Treasurer of The Society.
  1. Officers of the Section shall include a Chair, a Vice-Chair and a Secretary. There shall be an executive council of the Section consisting of these officers plus the immediate Past Chair.
  2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section, appoint all committees and serve as the Section's representative on the BSA Council. The term of office of the Chair will be three years.
  3. The Vice-Chair will serve as Chair pro tem in the event of the Chair being unable to perform the regular duties and will also assist in the organizing of major symposia for sectional meetings. The term of office of the Vice-Chair will be for three years. The Vice-Chair shall serve as the fiscal officer.
  4. The Secretary shall keep records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence with the members, and serve as Program Chair of the Section. The term of office of the Secretary will be three years.
  5. Vacancies in the offices of Vice-Chair and Secretary will be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointment of the Chair.
  6. Candidates for office in the Section shall be presented by a nominating committee of three members appointed by the Chair.
  7. Officers of the Section will be elected by mail ballot. Ballots will be sent by the Section Chair to all active voting members of the Section at least 60 days prior to the annual business meeting. Results of the election will be announced at the annual meeting. New officers will assume office at the close of the business meeting.
ARTICLE IV. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting of the Section. All amendments must be submitted to the Chair at least 60 days before the meeting. Copies of proposed amendments shall be circulated to the active members at least 30 days before the meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this Section shall be:

    to promote general interest and encourage research and teaching in economic botany;
    to establish closer contacts between persons concerned with economic botany research and teaching;
    to cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these ends;
    to act in whatever capacity it may find expedient as an organization of economic botanists; and
    to arrange a suitable program on economic botany subjects in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. This program shall take any form deemed desirable for that meeting.
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be a Chair and a Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall appoint all committees, and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office. (S)He shall serve as representative of the Economic Botany Section on the Council of the Botanical Society of America. (S)He shall serve three years.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, and be responsible for the collection of dues and handling of funds belonging to the Section, and make an annual report to the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America. (S)He shall arrange the programs of the sectional meetings. (S)He shall serve three years.
  4. Officers shall be elected at a business session of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program. They shall assume office at the close of the annual meeting.
  5. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three which shall be appointed by the Chair.
  6. In case of inability of the Chair to perform his/her duties, a temporary Chair may be selected by those in attendance at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Section to serve as may be necessary and appropriate in fulfillment of objectives stated in Article 1. If the Chair vacates his/her office before the expiration of his/her term, the Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as Chair pro tem until the election of a new Chair at the next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Section. A similar vacancy in the office of secretary-treasurer shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by appointment of the chair.
ARTICLE III. Special Meetings
    The Section may arrange special meetings whenever desirable.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. There shall be two classes of membership as provided for in Article VIII (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc. may become a member of the Section upon notice to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section and the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. Persons who are not members of the Botanical Society of America may be admitted to membership in the Section by a majority vote of Section members, but they shall not hold office. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the active membership roll of the Section by circularizing the members listed at least once every three years regarding their interest in continuing affiliations with the Section. Names of members failing to respond to the membership questionnaire may be dropped from the membership role at the discretion of the Secretary-Treasurer.
  3. Section members shall pay no regularly stated dues. Special assessments as required to defray incidental expenses of the Section over a stipulated period of time, in no event at a rate to exceed $2.00 per year, may be authorized by vote at the annual business meeting.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To foster communication among scientists involved in aspects of fundamental and applied plant genetics.
    To promote general interest and encourage research and teaching in plant genetics.
    To arrange a forum for exchange of information in plant genetics at the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To encourage publication of information on plant genetics in the American Journal of Botany.
ARTICLE II. Membership
  1. Names of regular members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., who wish to belong to the Genetics Section shall be placed on the active membership roll upon notification of the Treasurer of The Society.
  2. No dues shall be assessed to members of the Section who are members in good standing of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. However, special assessments, as required to defray incidental expenses of the Section, may be authorized by vote at the annual business meeting. Eligibility to vote and to receive the benefits of membership in the Section shall be limited to those members who have paid the special assessments voted by the members of the Section in the annual business meeting.
  3. Individuals who are not members of the Botanical Society, may be admitted as associate members by notifying the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section. Associates shall be subject to those conditions specified for nonmembers of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., in Article VIII (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of The Society. Associates may attend all meetings of the Section and participate in its programs. Associates may serve on all committees except the nominating committee. They shall not vote for officers or hold office in the Section.
  4. Members may subscribe to the Plant Genetics Newsletter. The per annum subscription fee and frequency of publication is determined by vote by the members of the Section in the annual business meeting. The Plant Genetics Newsletter reviews research, teaching and issues in fundamental and applied plant genetics.
  1. The officers shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Chairperson shall preside at the annual business meeting of the Section, shall appoint all committees, and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office. The term of office shall be two years.
  3. The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Section in the absence of the Chairperson and perform other functions as assigned by the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall also be responsible, along with the Secretary-Treasurer for arranging the programs of the annual Section meetings. The term of office shall be two years.
  4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, and be responsible for collection of fees and handling of funds belonging to the Section. The Secretary-Treasurer, along with the Vice-Chairperson, shall arrange the programs of the sectional meetings. The term of office shall be two years.
  5. Officers shall be elected at a business session of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program of the Section. They will assume office at the close of the annual business meeting of the Section.
  6. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee appointed by the Chairperson.
  7. The representative of the Section to the Council of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. shall be either the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson and shall serve a three-year term. At the end of a term, the current Vice-Chairperson of the Section shall begin a term as the new representative.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
    The regular business meeting of the Genetics Section shall occur only at the time and place of the annual Botanical Society of America meetings. Special meetings may also be arranged at other times or places if desired by interested members.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting. Proposed changes in the Bylaws will be circulated to the members before the meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose
    The objectives of this Section shall be:

    To promote general interest and encourage research in the history of botany;
    To stress the importance of the history of botany in relation to current and anticipated research trends in botany;
    To establish closer relations between botanists and historians of science and medicine engaged in research in or the teaching of the history of botany;
    To assist in the dissemination of knowledge of the history of botany;
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these ends; and
    To arrange whenever feasible a suitable program on subjects dealing with the history of botany in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. ("The Society").
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary-Treasurer. There shall be an executive council which shall include in addition to these officers the immediate Past Chairman. All officers shall serve for a period of three years. The Vice-Chairman will succeed to the chairmanship.
  2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall represent the Section on the Council of The Society.
  3. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall appoint all committees, and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office.
  4. An annual session shall be held each year and shall be announced in the regular printed program of The Society. The officers of the Section shall be elected at this annual business session.
  5. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three, appointed by the Chairman.
ARTICLE III. Special Meetings
    The Section may arrange special meetings whenever desirable and possible.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. Any member in good standing in The Society may join the Section by notifying the Treasurer of The Society.
  2. Section members shall pay no regularly stated dues. Special assessments as required to defray incidental expenses of the Section over a stipulated period of time, in no event at a rate to exceed $1.00 per annum, may be authorized by a vote at the annual session.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting.


    The Mycological Section was established in 1994 and Bylaws have not been finalized.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To arrange a suitable program on paleobotanical subjects in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To promote general interest and encourage research in paleobotany.
    To stress the importance of fossil plants in relation to botanical and geological problems.
    To establish closer contacts between botanists and geologists concerned with paleobotanical research and teaching.
    To assist in the dissemination of paleobotanical knowledge.
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these ends.
    To act in whatever capacity it may find expedient as an organization of paleobotanists.
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be a Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, a Web Manager and Editor of the Bibliography.
  2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall appoint all committees, and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office. The term of that office is one year.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, and be responsible for the collection of dues and handling of funds belonging to the Section. The Secretary-Treasurer shall arrange the programs of the sectional meetings and represent the Section at the Council meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. The term of that office is three years.
  4. The Web Manager shall coordinate with manager(s) of the main BSA web site, and facilitate the maintenance, upgrading, and updating of web pages with content pertinent to the missions of the Paleobotanical Section. The term of that office is three years.
  5. The Editor of the Bibliography shall be responsible for collating and preparing for publication citations to be included in the annual Bibliography of American Paleobotany. The term of office is three years and shall be staggered so that the Secretary-Treasurer and the Editor of the Bibliography are not both elected in the same year.
  6. Officers shall be elected at a business session of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program. They will assume office at the close of the annual meeting. Each officer must be a member of the Botanical Society of America.
  7. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three persons, which shall be appointed by the Chair.
  8. In the event of inability of the Chair to perform his/ her duties, or if the Chair vacates the office before expiration of the one-year term, the Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as Chair pro tem until the election of a new Chair at the next regularly scheduled business meeting of the Section. A similar vacancy in the office of Secretary-Treasurer or Editor of the Bibliography shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term through appointment by the Chair.
ARTICLE III. Special Meetings
    The section may arrange special meetings or excursions whenever desirable.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. There shall be two classes of membership in the Section as provided for in Article VIII (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. These are regular members (members of the Botanical Society of America) and associate members (non-Society members). Emeritus members are those who have been members of the Section for 10 years and have retired. Membership in the Section is free to designated honorary members. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the membership list of the Section.
  2. Associate members shall have the privilege of attending and participating in the programs of the Section. They shall receive the program and other incidental materials, which may be issued through the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section. Associate members may serve on all committees except the nominating committee. They shall not vote for officers or hold office in the Section.
  3. Both regular and associate members of the Section shall pay yearly dues which can be used to defray incidental expenses of the Section, including the expense of publishing and mailing the Bibliography. Changes in the amount of these dues shall be authorized by vote at the annual business meeting of the Section and must be approved by the Council of The Society, as per ARTICLE VIII, paragraph 4 of The Society bylaws. The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect the dues on a calendar-year basis; members in arrears after a period of six months shall again be notified and their names dropped from the list of members until the dues are paid. Members' names may be reinstated to the active membership list at any time by payment of the dues for the current year.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting held during a Sectional meeting at which scheduled papers are presented.
Revised last 9/4/01.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To arrange a suitable program for phycologists in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To cooperate with other societies or sections in the organization of interdisciplinary meetings or symposia of mutual interest.
    To act in any other capacity which promotes the study of algae and their use in teaching and research.
ARTICLE II. Membership
  1. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc., may become a member of the Phycological Section upon notice to the Secretary of the Section and the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America.
  2. An active membership roll shall be maintained by the Secretary by contacting the members at least once every three years regarding their interest in continuing affiliations with the Section.
  1. The officers of the Section shall be a Chairman and a Secretary.
  2. The Chairman of the Section shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall represent the Section on the Council of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. and shall appoint all committees. The Chairman shall serve a term of three years.
  3. The Secretary shall maintain a list of active members and shall organize the program for the annual meeting. The Secretary shall serve three years.
  4. Officers shall be elected by a mail ballot circulated at least 30 days before the votes are to be tabulated.
  5. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of two or more members of the Section, appointed by the Chairman.
  6. Terms of office for newly elected officers commence at the conclusion of the Annual Banquet of the Botanical Society of America.
ARTICLE IV. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of all members voting at any annual meeting provided a copy of the proposed amendments has been mailed to all members at least one month before the meeting or by a three-quarters vote of members responding to a mail ballot.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To arrange a suitable program on physiological subjects in connection with the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To stimulate general interest and encourage research in plant physiology.
    To stress the importance of the interrelationships between molecules, cells, organs, and their environmental interactions in physiological processes.
    To foster closer relationships and the interchange of ideas between plant physiologists.
    To assist in the dissemination and promulgation of knowledge of plant physiology.
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these ends.
    To promote the use of plant physiological principles in agriculture and forestry in order to abate the worldwide food and fiber problem on a long term basis.
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be Chairperson, Program Chairperson, and Treasurer. The newsletter editor shall be appointed by the Chairperson with approval of the executive council which shall include, in addition to the officers, the immediate Past Chairperson. All officers shall serve for a period of three years.
  2. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall appoint all committees, and shall perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office including representing the Section at Council meetings. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Program Chairperson shall preside at the meetings.
  3. Officers shall be elected at a business session of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program. They will assume office at the close of the annual meeting.
  4. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three which shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
ARTICLE III. Membership
    Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc. may become a member of the Physiological Section upon notice to the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. An active and current membership roll will be maintained by the Chairperson of the Section.
ARTICLE IV. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting of the Section.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To promote general interest and encourage research and teaching in phytochemistry.
    To establish closer contacts between botanists and chemists concerned with research and teaching.
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these ends, and
    To arrange a suitable program on phytochemical subjects in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. This program shall take any form deemed desirable for that meeting.
ARTICLE II. Membership
  1. There shall be two classes of membership as provided for in Article VIII (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. Names of regular members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., who wish to belong to the Phytochemical Section, shall be placed on the active membership roll upon notification of the Secretary of the Section and the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America.
  3. No dues shall be assessed to members of the Section who are members in good standing of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. However, special assessments, as required to defray incidental expenses of the Section (e.g., publication of the Phytochemical Bulletin) may be authorized by vote at the annual business meeting. Eligibility to vote and to receive the benefits of membership in the Section shall be limited to those members who have paid the special assessments voted by the members of the Section in the annual business meeting.
  4. Individuals who are not members of the Botanical Society but who are members in good standing of some organization affiliated with the A.I.B.S. may be admitted as affiliates of the Section. Affiliates shall be subject to those conditions specified for non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., in Article VIII (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of The Society. Affiliates shall pay the annual subscription fee in order to receive the Phytochemical Bulletin. Prospective affiliates shall pay the required subscription fee to the Treasurer-Editor who in turn shall submit their names to the Secretary of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., for presentation to the Council at its next regular meeting. Affiliates shall have the privilege of attending all meetings of the Section and participating in its programs. They shall receive the printed program of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and a copy of the abstracts published at the expense of The Society, and other incidental materials, which may be issued through the Secretary of the Section.
  5. The Treasurer-Editor shall send each affiliate a notice of the dues within one month after each regular meeting. If payment is not received within six months thereafter, the name shall not be continued on the membership list. A member so dropped may be reinstated at any time by payment of dues for the current year.
  1. The officers of the Section shall consist of a Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer-Editor. There shall be an executive council consisting of these officers and the immediate Past Chairperson. The Chairperson-Elect, at the end of his/her term in office, shall become Chairperson of the Section. The Secretary and Treasurer-Editor shall serve for a term of three years each; the other officers shall serve a term of one year each. The Secretary and Treasurer-Editor shall be elected in sequence, one each year.
  2. The Chairperson is not eligible for re-election, but takes his/her place as a member of the executive council in the year following his/her term of office. Former off icers are eligible for re-election to the same office after five (5) years have lapsed since last serving.
  3. Candidates for the offices of the Section shall be selected by a nominating committee appointed by the Chairperson. The nominating committee shall submit a slate of two names for each office. The Chairperson of the nominating committee shall submit the report of the nominating committee to the Chairperson and Secretary of the Section in time to allow the Secretary to circulate it to the membership of the Section at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting. Election of officers shall take place by mail with ballots being distributed to the membership via the Phytochemical Bulletin. Results of the election shall be announced by the Secretary at the annual meeting, and new officers shall assume their offices immediately following the annual meeting.
ARTICLE IV. Duties of Officers
  1. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Section (including minutes of the annual meeting), carry on all necessary correspondence, arrange the program of contributed papers for the annual meeting and prepare the abstracts of papers for duplication. The Secretary shall also see that the minutes of the annual business meeting are published in the first issue of the Phytochemical Bulletin following the annual meeting. The Treasurer-Editor shall be responsible for all financial transactions of the Section including the collection of special assessments, expense awards from the Society, and contributions to the Ralph E. Alston Award Fund, and the payment of expenses incurred by the Section for publication of the Phytochemical Bulletin and for the normal conduct of Section business. The Treasurer-Editor shall maintain an active membership list and prepare an annual financial statement (Treasurer's Report) for presentation at the annual business meeting of the Section. The Treasurer-Editor shall be responsible for the publication and distribution of the official newsletter of the Section, the Phytochemical Bulletin. When deemed appropriate, an associate editor of the Phytochemical Bulletin shall be appointed by the executive council in consultation with the Treasurer-Editor. The Chairperson shall appoint all committees. The Chairperson shall appoint a local representative of the Section for next year's meeting with the Botanical Society. The Chairperson also shall be responsible for arranging annual symposia for the Section. The Chairperson of the Section, or other officer of the Section so designated by the Chairperson, will be expected to attend the meeting of the Council of the Botanical Society during the annual meeting. The Chairperson shall submit an annual report of the activities of the Section to the Secretary of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. Nominations of candidates for corresponding membership in the Society will be received during the business meetings. These nominations, fully documented and supported by letters, will be transmitted by the Secretary of the Section to the Secretary of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., for transmittal to the Chairman of the Committee on Corresponding Membership.
ARTICLE V. Ralph E. Alston Award
  1. The Section shall award, when funds permit, the Ralph E. Alston Award to the person presenting the best contributed paper at the annual meeting. An individual must be a member in good standing of the Section in order to be considered eligible for the Alston Award, and in the case of joint authorship of a paper, the person presenting the paper shall be presented the award. Individuals may not receive the Alston Award more than once.
  2. Judging of papers shall be performed by an awards committee appointed by the Chairperson. The awards committee shall consist of the Chairperson and two other members of the Section in good standing. The awards committee shall be appointed at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson to notify, in writing and within thirty (30) days subsequent to the presentation, the recipient of the decision of the awar s committee.
ARTICLE VI. Amendments
    The Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a regularly scheduled business meeting. All amendments must be submitted to the Chairperson at least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting, and copies of those proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To promote interaction and coordination between specialists in different lines of research on pteridophytes.
    To augment cooperation between pteridologists and the various sections of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To focus interest in special research aspects of pteridophytes and assist in the dissemination and publication of research results.
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be a Chair and a Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Section according to the following procedures:
    An election committee of four members will be constituted consisting of the Secretary-Treasurer and 3 other appointed members. The term of service of this committee shall be two years with the Secretary-Treasurer acting as chair of the committee.
    This committee shall canvass by mail each voting member of the Section for nominations for the offices to be filled that year. The Section Chair will serve for two years and the Secretary-Treasurer for three years.
    The election committee shall prepare a slate of two names for each office to be filled as follows: to the name receiving the greatest number of votes in the member canvass for nominations, one additional name will be added of the nomination committee's choice. Consent to serve, if elected, shall be obtained from all nominees. Election by mail ballot shall be carried out by the committee in time for the new officers to attend the annual meeting of the Section. The person receiving the largest number of votes shall be recognized as elected by the committee. The Chair is not eligible for re-election.
    Duties of officers
    The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep records of the Section, carry on necessary correspondence and be responsible for the collection of dues.(S)He shall represent the Section on the Council of the Botanical Society during the annual meetings and shall arrange the programs for the Section in cooperation with the program representative of the American Fern Society.
    The Chair shall act as presiding officer at the sessions of the Section and shall appoint all committees.
    In the event that any officer cannot perform his/her duties or vacates his/her office before the expiration of his/her term, the following procedures apply. If the Chair vacates, the Secretary-Treasurer will act as Chair pro tem until the next regularly scheduled election. If the Secretary-Treasurer vacates, the Chair may appoint a replacement until the next regularly scheduled election for that office. Any other vacancies which occur in offices of the Section shall be filled by appointment by the Chair of the Section.
    Generally, the Section will meet annually for presentation of scholarly papers, field trips and excursions. In order to facilitate co-ordination of papers at the annual meeting between this Section and the Fern Society it is suggested that the program for the annual meeting be organized in alternate years by the Pteridological Section and the American Fern Society. Close cooperation between the two groups is anticipated.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc. may become a member of this Section, upon notice to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section and the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America and upon payment of the current year's dues.
  2. Individuals who are not members of the Botanical Society but who are members in good standing of some organization affiliated with the A.A.A.S. may be admitted as affiliates of the Section. Affiliates shall be subject to the conditions specified for non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. in Article VIII of the Bylaws of The Society.
  3. In order to defray incidental expenses of the Section, dues of $1.00 a year may be assessed members and affiliates. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send each member and affiliate a notice of dues within one month after the annual meeting. If payment is not received within six months thereafter, that name shall not be continued on the membership list. A member so dropped may reinstate him/herself at any time by payment of dues for the current year.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    The Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a regularly scheduled business meeting. All amendments must be submitted to the Chairman at least 60 days before the annual meeting, and copies of the proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership at least 30 days before the annual meeting.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this organization shall be:

    To promote general interest and encourage research and teaching in systematic botany.
    To establish closer contacts between botanists concerned with systematic research and teaching.
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these ends.
    To act in whatever capacity it may find expedient as an organization of systematic botanists.
    To arrange a suitable program on systematic subjects in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. This program shall take any form deemed desirable for that meeting.
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be a Chair and a Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section, appoint all committees, serve as representative of the Systematic Section on the Council of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office. The term of office is two years.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, be responsible for the collection of dues and handling of funds belonging to the Section, and arrange the programs of the sectional meetings. The term of office is three years.
  4. Officers shall be elected at a regularly scheduled business session of the Section, announced as to time and place in the regular printed program of the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. They will assume office at the close of the annual meeting.
  5. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three which shall be appointed by the Chair.
  1. The regular business meetings of the Section will be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. The Section may arrange special meetings whenever desirable.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. There shall be two classes of membership as provided for in Article VIll (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc., may become an active member of the Section upon notice to the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the active membership roll of the Section by requesting, from the Treasurer or the Manager of Publications of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., a list of those members in good standing of the Society who have indicated their affiliation with the Systematics Section.
  3. The Section may, at its discretion, confer associate membership in the Section on persons who are not members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. Associate members may not hold office in the Section, nor are they entitled to receive, gratis, publications of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  4. Members of the Section shall pay yearly dues which can be used to defray incidental expenses of the Section. Changes in the amount of these dues shall be authorized by vote at the annual business meeting of the Section.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting.


The Teaching Section exists to promote and improve formal and informal instruction in botany, the field of basic science dealing with the study and inquiry into the form, function, development, diversity, reproduction, evolution, and uses of plants and their interactions within the biosphere.

ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this Section shall be:

    To arrange a suitable program on botanical teaching in connection with the annual meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To encourage the sound teaching of botany and to explore new methods of achieving this end.
    To assist in the dissemination of information useful in the teaching of botany.
    To cooperate whenever desirable and possible with other organizations in achieving these aims.
    To act in whatever capacity it may find expedient as an organization of teachers in botany.
ARTICLE II. Officers
    The officers shall be a Chairperson, Program Coordinator/ Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary-Treasurer.

  1. The Chairperson shall: preside at all meetings of the Section; appoint all committees; perform all other functions customary and proscribed for that office. The Chairperson shall serve for one year.
  2. The Program Coordinator/ Vice-Chairperson shall: be responsible for organizing the Sectional program at the annual meeting; preside in the absence of the Chairperson; assist the Chairperson when called upon; assume the office of Chairperson at the completion of a one-year term as Vice-Chairperson or as indicated.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall: keep the records of the Section; carry on all necessary
  4. correspondence; be responsible for the collection of the Section's dues and handling of funds for the Section; serve as the Section representative to the Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for three years.
  5. Officers shall be elected at a business meeting of the Section announced as to time and place in the regular printed program. They will assume office at the close of the annual meeting.
  6. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nomination committee of two which shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
  7. In the event that any officer cannot perform the duties of the office, or vacates the office before the term expires, the following procedures apply. If the Program Coordinator/ Vice-Chairperson vacates, the Chairperson (or Chairperson pro tem) may perform the duties of that office or appoint a replacement to fulfill the term. If the Secretary-Treasurer vacates, the Chairperson may appoint a replacement to serve until the next regularly scheduled election.
ARTICLE III. Special Meetings
    The Section may arrange special meetings.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. There shall be classes of membership as provided for in Article VIll (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. Names of regular members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., who wish to belong to the Botanical Teaching Section shall be placed on the active membership roll upon notification of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section and the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America.
    The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the active membership roll of the Section by circularizing the members listed at least once every three years regarding their interest in continuing affiliation with the Section.
    Names of members failing to respond or expressing disinterest may be placed on the inactive roll at the discretion of the Secretary-Treasurer.
  3. Individuals who are not members of the Botanical Society but who have an interest in the activities of the Section may be admitted as affiliates of the Section. Affiliates shall be subject to the conditions specified for nonmembers of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., in Article V of the Bylaws of The Society, and shall be subject to special assessments requested by the Section.
ARTICLE V. Assessments
    Section non-student members shall pay dues of $5.00 to defray incidental expenses of the Section. Members in arrears after six months shall again be notified and their names put on the inactive roll until the dues are paid. Members may be reinstated to active membership at any time by payment of the special assessment current for the period of reapplication.
ARTICLE VI. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting, and will be submitted to the Council for approval as per Article Vill, section 4, of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.


ARTICLE I. Purpose

    The objectives of this Section will be:

    To stimulate interest in and encourage research and education in tropical biology in all fields, including ecology, systematics, and physiology;
    To stress the importance of understanding tropical biodiversity, the uniqueness of tropical ecosystems, and the importance of tropical conservation;
    To cooperate with other Sections of the Society, and other societies and organizations, especially those from tropical countries, to achieve these ends;
    To assist in the dissemination of knowledge on tropical biology;
    To arrange suitable programs on tropical biology for inclusion in the meetings of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
ARTICLE II. Officers
  1. The officers shall be a Chair and a Secretary-Treasurer.
  2. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Section, appoint all committees, serve as representative of the Tropical Biology Section on the Council of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and perform all other functions customary and prescribed for that office. The term of office is three years.
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, be responsible for the collection of dues and handling of funds belonging to the Section, and arrange the programs of the sectional meetings. The term of office is three years.
  4. Officers shall be elected at a regularly scheduled business session of the Section, announced as to time and place in the regular printed program of the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. They will assume office at the close of the annual meeting.
  5. Candidates for office shall be presented by a nominating committee of three which shall be appointed by the Chair.
ARTICLE Ill. Meetings
  1. The regular business meetings of the Section will be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. The Section may arrange special meetings whenever desirable.
ARTICLE IV. Membership
  1. There shall be two classes of membership as provided for in Article Vill (paragraph 1) of the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  2. Any member in good standing in the Botanical Society of America, Inc., may become an active member of the Section upon notice to the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the active membership roll of the Section by requesting, from the Treasurer or the Manager of Publications of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., a list of those members in good standing of the Society who have indicated their affiliation with the Tropical Biology Section.
  3. The Section may, at its discretion, confer associate membership in the Section on persons who are not members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. Associate members may not hold office in the Section, nor are they entitled to receive, gratis, publications of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  4. Section members shall pay no regularly stated dues. Special assessments as required to defray incidental expenses of the Section over a stipulated period of time, in no event to exceed $1.00 per annum, may be authorized by vote at the annual session.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of those voting members present at a scheduled business meeting.


ARTICLE I. Organization and Purpose

  1. The Mid-Continent Section of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., shall include the area in the 13 states of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota.
  2. The aims of the Section shall be:
    To foster closer relationships among the botanists of this region.
    To promote general and professional interest in botany in the region and to increase memberships in the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
    To provide a friendly forum for undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral associates, research scientists, educators, and others interested in botany to present contributed papers.
    To promote general interest in research and teaching in the plant sciences.
  3. To realize these goals, the emphasis at meetings shall be upon field trips, general lectures, contributed papers, undergraduate and graduate student participation opportunities for friendly association, and other activities that enhance the plant sciences. The area covered by the section encompasses a region of the country that is sparsely populated with widely distributed universities. The travel and expense of attending a national meeting often prohibit members of the Society in the region from regular attendance at the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America. A large contingency of botanists in the region currently attend the Southwest and Rocky Mountain (SWARM) Division annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that rotates meetings among universities in the region. To minimize expenses and scheduling efforts, the Mid-Continent Section of the Botanical Society of America will continue to meet with the SWARM Division of AAAS.
  4. Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as inconsistent with the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
ARTICLE II. Officers and Committees
  1. The elective officers shall be a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Vice-Secretary-Treasurer and will serve 3-year terms. The term of the Secretary-Treasurer and the Vice-Secretary-Treasurer will be staggered with the term of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. Their duties shall be:
    The Chairperson shall preside at meetings, appoint a chair and members of the activities committee, attend the Council meetings of the Botanical Society of America, and perform any other duties customary to the office. The Chairperson shall appoint the nominating committee and preside throughout the meeting at which the successor is elected.
    The Vice-Chairperson shall work closely with the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence.
    The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry out all necessary correspondence, handle all funds which include those allocated to the Section from The Botanical Society of America, and in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, attend Council meetings of the Botanical Society of America. The Secretary-Treasurer shall solicit contributed papers, and organize the contributed papers sessions to be held during the annual meeting of the Section.
    The Vice-Secretary-Treasurer shall work closely with the Secretary-Treasurer and perform the duties of the office in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer.
    The Activities Committee Chair shall be appointed to a one-year term and is responsible for the duties of that committee. The Activities Committee Chair should be from the location of the scheduled meeting.
  2. The committees shall include an Activities Committee, to include a Chair and at least two appointed members, and a Nominating Committee of three appointed members. Their duties shall be:
    The Activities Committee shall do all within its power to encourage the Section's botanists by publicizing their work, making known to each other the workers in similar fields, promoting local groups of amateur botanists, and arranging field trips, lectures, and symposia.
    The Nominating Committee shall make nominations for all elective officers. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the time of the election.
ARTICLE III. Elections
    Elections shall normally be held at the regular annual meeting of the section.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
    One meeting shall be held each year in conjunction with the annual SWARM Division Meeting of AAAS. Other meetings may be held as desired.
ARTICLE V. Membership and Dues
  1. All members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. who express interest in the Mid-Continent Section may be members of that Section by informing the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Mid-Continent Section.
  2. Non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and of the Mid-Continent Section may participate in meetings of the section but shall not vote or hold office.
ARTICLE VI. Admendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote at a regular, annual meeting, providing the membership has been notified in advance of the proposed amendment. Members unable to attend may vote by mail.


ARTICLE I. Organization and Purpose

  1. Area. The Northeastern Section of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. shall include Newfoundland, the following states of the American Union and provinces of the Dominion of Canada: District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia.
  2. Aims. The Northeastern Section shall endeavor:
    To establish closer contacts among botanists of the region and to favor professional solidarity.
    To organize annual summer meetings, the principal purpose of which shall be a field trip. It shall be planned with a view to illustrate 1) a pedagogical approach to the plant resources of the area; 2) conservation practices; 3) the botanical problems of the area.
    To attract and stimulate public interest in the different phases of botany.
  3. Means.
    Support from local scientific, social, industrial, commercial and civic bodies may be sought by the Committee on Local Arrangements. Publicity may be given locally and abroad for the meetings.
    The Section shall endeavour to coordinate its meetings with those of other Sections and of scientific societies having a similar purpose.
    The Section shall be self-sufficient financially and must therefore depend on a registration fee. The amount thereof shall be determined by the Committee on Local Arrangements.
ARTICLE II. Officers and Committees
  1. Officers. There shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
    Elections for officers shall normally be held at the annual meetings.
    The Chairman shall preside at all meetings, appoint the nominating committee and the Chairman of the Committee on Local Arrangements, and perform any other duties customary to this office. The Chairman shall serve one year, but shall preside throughout the meeting at which a successor is elected.
    The Vice-Chairman in the absence of the Chairman shall assume duties listed in ARTICLE II, lb.
    The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, and handle funds which may be allocated to the Section from The Society. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for three years.
    The Chairman of the Committee on Local Arrangements shall take responsibility for all sessions and activities of the summer meeting.
  2. Committees.
    The nominating committee of three, chosen from among members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., residing within the Northeastern Section, shall make nominations for all elective officers and submit them for voting to the members present at the annual meeting.
    The Committee on Local Arrangements shall be headed by a Chairman (appointed by the Section Chairman before October 1st) and composed of as many people as the Chairman sees fit to call upon. It shall have full liberty to organize the program.
  1. One meeting shall normally be held each year.
  2. The amount of the registration fee for the meetings shall be determined by the Committee on Local Arrangements.
  3. Special meetings may be held as desired.
ARTICLE IV. Membership and Dues
  1. Members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. who reside within the area of the Northeastern Section (Article I, section 1) are eligible to become members of the Section and may do so by notifying the Treasurer of The Society and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section.
  2. Non-members of the Northeastern Section may attend meetings but may not hold office.
  3. There shall be no dues.

ARTICLE V. Amendments

  1. These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote of the members present at the annual meeting.


ARTICLE I. Organization and Purpose

  1. The Pacific Section of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. shall include the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia and the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Botanical Society of America members in geographically contiguous areas of the Pacific Basin (e.g., Australia, Asia, and South America) may also elect to be members of the Section.
  2. The aims of the section shall be:
    To foster closer relationships among the botanists of this region.
    To promote general interest in botany, together with research and teaching in the plant sciences.
    To encourage student research in botany and to provide an opportunity for students to attend regional, scientific meetings and gain experience in presenting professional papers.
    To arrange a appropriate programs on botanical subjects in connection with the annual meetings of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, among others.
ARTICLE II. Officers and Committees
  1. The elected officers of the Section shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary-Treasurer. Each will serve 2-year terms. The term of the Secretary-Treasurer will be staggered with the term of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
    The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Section, shall attend the Council meetings of the Botanical Society of America, and perform any other duties customary to the office. The Chairperson shall appoint two members of the Nominations Committee, including the chair.
    The Vice-Chairperson shall work closely with the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson in the Chairperson's absence.
    The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, conduct elections by email or balloting as specified in Article III, and shall be responsible for administering the funds of the Section. In the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
    The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Section. This committee shall have authority to designate a place and date of the annual meeting and to fill vacancies occurring in the offices between annual meetings.
    The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three appointed members of the Section, and shall make nominations for all elective officers. One of the Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair of the Committee. Nominations also may be solicited from and made by members of the Section.
ARTICLE III. Elections
  1. Election of officers shall normally take place at an annual meeting of the Section. However, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, elections may be conducted by the Secretary-Treasurer through email or written ballots submitted by Section members. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the members voting.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
  1. One meeting of the Section shall be normally held each year, at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. Other meetings may be held as desired. When the national meeting of the Society is held in the region comprising the Pacific Section, the Section will hold its annual meeting with The Society.
ARTICLE V. Membership and Dues
  1. All members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. who express an interest in the Pacific Section may be members of that Section by informing the Treasurer of The Society. Non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and of the Pacific Section, may attend meetings of the Section but may not vote or hold office.
ARTICLE VI. Amendments
  1. These bylaws may be amended by a three-fourths majority of the members voting.


ARTICLE I. Organization and Purposes

  1. The Southeastern Section of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. shall include the area in the eleven states from Virginia south to Florida, west to Louisiana and north to Kentucky and West Virginia.
  2. The aims of the Southeastern Section shall be:
    To establish closer contacts between the botanists of this region.
    To undertake to increase the professional interest in botany in the southeastern states and to increase the membership in the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
  3. To realize these aims, the emphasis at meetings shall be upon field trips, general lectures, opportunities for friendly association, and other activities which enhance the plant sciences in the Southeast.
  4. Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed as inconsistent with the Bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
ARTICLE II. Officers and Committees
  1. The elective officers shall be a Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, and an Activities Committee Chair. They shall each serve for a staggered 3-year period, one to be elected each year. Their duties shall be:
    The Chair shall preside at all meetings, appoint the nominating committee, appoint members to the activities committee, attend Council meetings of the Botanical Society of America, and perform any other duties customary to his/her office. He/she shall serve three years but shall preside throughout the meeting at which his/her successor is elected.
    The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Section, carry on all necessary correspondence, in the absence of the Chair, attend Council meetings of the Botanical Society of America, and handle the funds which are allocated to the Section from The Society. He/she shall serve three years.
    The activities committee Chair is responsible for the duties of that committee. He/she shall serve three years.
  2. The committees shall include an activities committee, to include a Chair and two appointed members, and a nominating committee of three appointed members. Their duties shall be:
    The activities committee shall do all within its power to encourage the activities of southeastern botanists, by such methods as publicizing their work, making known to each other the workers in similar fields, promoting local groups of amateur botanists and arranging field trips, lectures and symposia.
    The nominating committee shall make the nominations for all elective officers by submitting two candidates each year for the elective office to be vacated.
ARTICLE III. Elections
    Elections shall normally be held at the regular annual meeting of the Section. Members unable to attend may vote by mail by notifying the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the meeting.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
    One meeting shall be held each year in conjunction with the Association of Southeastern Biologists at their annual meeting. Other meetings may be held as desired.
ARTICLE V. Membership
  1. All members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. who reside within the area of the Southeastern Section and who express interest in the Southeastern Section may be members of that Section by informing the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section.
  2. Members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. who reside outside the area of the Southeastern Section but who have an interest in that Section may choose to be a corresponding member of that Section by following the means set forth above in Article V, Section 1.
  3. Non-members of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., and of the Southeastern Section, may attend the meetings of the Section but may not vote or hold office.
ARTICLE VI. Amendments
    These Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote at a regular, annual meeting, providing the membership has been notified in advance of the proposed amendment. Members unable to attend may vote by mail.

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