Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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State Policies and Programs

Cal-IPC works with the California Invasive Weeds Awareness Coalition (CALIWAC) to address legislation and agency policies related to invasive plants. We were instrumental in the production of the California Noxious & Invasive Weed Action Plan, and will work with others to ensure its implementation. Our policy work includes:

  • Organizing the annual Invasive Weeds Awareness Day at the Capitol in Sacramento. Each year in March, wildland weed workers from around the state come to Sacramento to discuss policy with agency managers and elected representatives.
  • Encouraging activities for California Invasive Weeds Awareness Week. In July, the week beginning with the third Monday is a week during which WMAs and others across the state hold outreach events to help educate residents and elected officials about local projects working on invasive plants.
Our advocacy activities fall into three main areas:

1. Supporting Weed Management Areas

WMAs have grown to cover all counties in California, and have been an effective structure for implementing invasive plant control projects on the ground. Cal-IPC works to sustain funding for these local partnerships. More on WMAs...

2. Promoting Interagency Coordination

Effective response to invasive plants requires that multiple partner agencies work together efficiently. Cal-IPC works with the California Interagency Noxious Weed Coordinating Committee (CINWCC) and the California Biodiversity Council to promote coordination between agencies.

3. Improving Biosecurity Policy in California

California needs to expand on historic work to prevent and manage invasive plants. Others, notably Australia, New Zealand, and Hawaii, are setting new standards for making decisions based on thorough risk analysis. The California Noxious & Invasive Weed Action Plan provides a blueprint for the areas that need to be addressed. Cal-IPC hopes to support implementation of the plan, and to catalyze development of effective, efficient policy for ensuring California's biosecurity.

State Legislation of Interest

Visit the California Legislation Information Webpage for the text and status of any state bill.

  • SB 311 - Introduced February 2007, would have restored an additional $1 million to California's Weed Management Areas. Currently "on suspense" in the Appropriations Committee Read more about SB311.
  • AB 2479 - Restored $1.5 million to Weed Management Areas in 2006 thanks to the more than one hundred letters of support received from organizations around the state. More about AB2479.
  • AB 577 - Follow-up to AB 2631 requiring CDFA and the Resources Agency to produce a plan for coordination by January 1, 2007. Introduced 2005. Expired 2006. View a pdf of the bill as introduced.
  • AB 2631 - Would have created the California Invasive Species Council to coordinate state agency activities. Passed legislature 2004. Vetoed by Gov. Schwarzenegger. View a pdf of the final bill.
  • SB 1740 - Added $5 million to the Noxious Weed Account at CDFA to fund WMAs. Passed 2000. Funds expired June 2004. View a pdf of the bill as signed.
  • AB 1168 - Established the Noxious Weed Account at CDFA for funding a statewide network of Weed Management Areas in 1999.

Related Links

California Invasive Weeds Awareness Coalition

California Invasive Weeds Awareness Day at the Capitol

California Invasive Weeds Awareness Week

California Department of Food and Agriculture Noxious Weed Information Project

Official California Legislative Information

Federal Policies and Programs