Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Statewide Maps

Example map
Sample map.

Cal-IPC, in partnership with the California Dept. of Food & Agriculture, UC Davis, and the state's network of Weed Management Areas (WMAs), has begun conducting statewide surveys of wildland weed distribution and trend. the purpose is to create rough statewide maps that provide a landscape-level assessment of where each weed is currently found, and whether it's spreading.

Mapped survey data for each plant is available below. (Surveys to date have covered 36 of the species in the Cal-IPC Inventory.) The maps are the product of input from those working in the field locally, and are not meant to be definitive; ongoing input is welcome (contact

The data in these maps will be used in conjunction with modeling to predict the extent to which each plant might spread in the state. This information can be used to support "early detection/rapid response" activities.

Abundance is rated in four cover classes, spread in three. Polygons are determnined by combining county boundaries with major Jepson vegetation regions. Surveys were conducted summer 2007.

Help collect data for all of the invasive plants in our Inventory. Download the California County Weed Survey (Excel) with instructions.

Download survey data (Excel) shown on maps.

View Plant Distribution Maps

Select a species below to view its distribution map (pdf).

Species by Scientific Name

Species by Common Name