Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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California Invasive Plant Mapping Data Consortium

Cal-IPC, with support from the USGS National Spatial Data Infrastructure, is coordinating statewide aggregation of invasive plant mapping datasets through the California Invasive Plant Mapping Data Consortium. The Consortium provides a forum for aggregating datasets from diverse mapping efforts across the state. A workshop on June 5, 2006, at the University of California-Davis, engaged state and federal agencies, as well as other organizations, to review and guide plans for the proposed Consortium. Because Cal-IPC is the acknowledged source for invasive plant information in the state, it is a logical starting point for access to spatial and other data.

Overall Goal

Coordinate weed mappers and their datasets to make information available on a landscape scale.


  • Create a web portal designed for the needs of weed mappers
  • Take advantage of existing efforts
  • Generate involvement from the weed mapping community

Desired Technical Capabilities

Short term

  • Establish metadata catalog of mapping datasets
  • Establish and post data-exchange standards
  • Generate presence-absence maps by county based on Weed Management Area survey
  • Develop communications venue for “alert” species (new or rapidly spreading invasions)
  • Develop catalog of useful resources

Long term

  • Digital library with content on treatment, biology, projects, links, bibliographic resources, etc., linked in a semantic web
  • Community communication structure to build archive of expertise
  • Mapping viewer of active datasets
  • Observation submission

Download documents and presentations from the Weed Mapping Roundtable, June 2006, University of California-Davis