Source: Idaho's Noxious Weeds by Robert H. Callihan & Timothy W. Miller


Toothed spurge (Euphorbia dentata) is native to the Great Plains region. It spreads by seed and grows under a wide range of environmental conditions. A milky latex exists in all parts of the plant that can produce blisters and dermatitis in humans, cattle, and horses and may cause permanent blindness if rubbed into the eye. Protection is need when handling toothed spurge.

(Thumbnail images are linked to a larger photo)


Toothed spurge is an annualPlant that germinates, flowers, seeds, and dies during one growing season up to 3 feet tall. Leaves are up to 3 inches long, ovateEgg shaped in outline to linearLong, narrow and slender, coarsely toothed, mostly oppositeLeaves situated directly across the stem from each other, hairy, and often dotted with a few purplish-red spots. Stems are many branched and generally curve upwards. Both stems and leaves exude a milky latex when broken. The inconspicuous flowers are borne in late summer, followed by 3-sided, turban-shaped, ¼-inch, smooth, green fruits. Seeds are rough, bumpy, oval, and gray.


Toothed spurge is widely established from Massachusetts to Virginia and west to Arizona, but only limited locations in Idaho have been reported.


No biological control agents are available for toothed spurge, but herbicides are available to provide control.