Source: Idaho's Noxious Weeds by Robert H. Callihan & Timothy W. Miller


Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is a Eurasian native that has thoroughly naturalized itself in North America. It reproduces both from seed and creeping roots and is found in extremely diverse environmental conditions. Seeds can remain viable in soil for 50 or more years. Field bindweed is agriculture's twelfth most serious weed species.

(Thumbnail images are linked to a larger photo)


Field bindweed is a perennialPlant that lives for more than 2 growing seasons vine that dies back each year. Leaves are alternateLeaves that are arranged singly up the stem; not opposite each other, up to 2 inches long, and arrowhead shaped. Twisted stems may be 6 feet long, forming dense mats or climbing other vegetation. Flowers are borne in leaf axilsThe angle formed between a leaf and stem from June until September, are white to pink, 1 inch wide, and funnel shaped. A pair of small bractsLeaflike structure at the base of flowers or leaves is found ΒΌ to 1 inch below the flower. Seeds are hard, triangular, and borne in groups of 4 in a capsule.


Field bindweed is found throughout the U.S. except for the extreme Southeast, and southernmost Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico


Biological control agents are unproven, but herbicides can control this weed. Tillage 2 weeks after the plant emerges and continuing every 2 weeks during the growing season over a period of 2 to 3 years will also kill the plant.