TreeUtah, Planting Trees Growing Communities

Mid-Size Pick-Up Truck We currently have two old pick-up's (Big Red and Little Orange) Both of them have over 125,000 miles on them and are in constant need of repair & maintenence. We rely on these trucks to deliver trees at planting projects locations, shuttle supplies around the South Jordan Restoration Site, pick up supplies for the Eco-Garden. All of our projects require a pick-up truck multiple times a month. We need your late model pick-up truck (2 or 4 wheel drive), click here to donate yours now.

Computer Hardware Our computers are woefully outdated (circa 1999), they don't have enough storage space and do not have enough RAM to run many programs. We have one computer n the office that we have to run our GIS software, Photo editing, Web publishing and this computer also acts as our "network Server." We need 5 new workstations, preferrably 1.3 ghz or faster, with at least 250 gigabytes of storage space and at least 640 k of RAM and one Network Server. Click here to donate now!

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