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UC commemorative book available at Laboratory Foundation

October 11, 2006

The 225-page coffee table book from the University of California (UC), Science in the National Interest - Photographs Celebrating Six Decades of Excellence, can now be purchased through the Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation.

The University of California published the book as a gift to employees—UC retirees received a CD—earlier this summer. The University of California operated the Laboratory from its Manhattan Project inception in 1943 until May 31 of this year.

“I have had a couple hundred requests from former employees, retirees, contractors, people who knew people in the book, and even employees who wanted an additional copy,” said Linda Anderman of the Community Programs Office (CPO).

To facilitate this demand, additional copies of the book were donated to the Lab Foundation by UC. Books can be purchased directly from the Laboratory Foundation for $25 each. The foundation address is 1302 Calle de la Merced, Suite A, in Española. Call Sally Gallegos at 505-753-8890, extension 18, to place an order. Books can be shipped to an individual for a nominal cost. All proceeds will go toward the LANL Foundation Scholarship Fund.

The book includes a forward from UC President Robert Dynes and has hundreds of images, black and white and color, of historical events at the Laboratory. The book is broken down by decade and captions accompany the photos.

For more information, see the June 30 Daily NewsBulletin.

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