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Class action lawsuits settled

July 21, 2006

Updated at 10:20 a.m.

Editor's note: Laboratory employees today received a memo from the Director's Office regarding settlements in two consolidated class action lawsuits brought on behalf of females and Hispanics employed by the University of California at the Laboratory between December 10, 2000, and June 1, 2006. Below is the memo with links to relevant documents.

Details shared with employees

This notice is being sent from the Director's Office in compliance with a settlement agreement which has been preliminarily approved by the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico. The agreement settles two consolidated class action lawsuits brought on behalf of females and Hispanics employed by the Regents of the University of California at Los Alamos National Laboratory between December 10, 2000 and June 1, 2006. The lawsuits allege disparities in pay, promotions and other terms and conditions of employment. Although the Laboratory disputes the claims being made, it has agreed to settle the lawsuits in order to avoid the expense, inconvenience and uncertainty of further litigation.

The details of the settlement are found in the attached documents (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

In accordance with the settlement agreement, this memo and the "Notice Package" are being sent to all Laboratory employees regardless of whether they are members of the Class.

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