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Lab scientists discuss their work Sunday on KKOB radio show

By Nancy Ambrosiano

December 6, 2005

Using supercomputers to model submicroscopic cell functions will be the subject of an interview Sunday morning on Albuquerque radio station KKOB AM 770.

Scientists Kevin Sanbonmatsu of Theoretical Biology and Biophysics (T-10) and Andy White of Computer and Computational Sciences (CCS) Division will be featured on High-Tech New Mexico in a prerecorded interview. They will talk about one of the many ways the Laboratory's weapons-program computers can provide dramatic scientific advances beyond their national security role.

Sanbonmatsu and his team have been in the news recently for having completed the world's largest computational biology simulation using the Q machine supercomputer.

High-Tech New Mexico airs at 10 a.m., on KKOB. Mike Langner hosts High-Tech New Mexico, which is designed to educate the public about what's going on in New Mexico in the area of high technology and how high-tech is important to economic growth in the state.

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