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Postdoc publication prize winners discuss their work

October 17, 2005

Felicia Taw of Actinide, Catalysis and Separations Chemistry (C-SIC) talks with Richard Schaller, right, of Physical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (C-PCS) and former Physics (P) Division Director Damon Giovanielli before Schaller discussed his research at a colloquium last Thursday in the Physics Building Auditorium at Technical Area 3. Taw discussed her research at a colloquium Oct. 6. Taw and Schaller received the Laboratory's Postdoctoral Publication Prize in Experimental Sciences. The prize, which is co-sponsored by the Laboratory and Giovanielli, is awarded for the best article in experimental sciences in the past three years. A panel of Laboratory technical staff members selects the winning papers, and the research presented represents a seminal contribution to the field. For more information on their research, see the week of Sept. 26 Los Alamos NewsLetter (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

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