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CIA chief scientist to give classified colloquium today

By Jim Danneskiold

May 23, 2005

A former Laboratory group leader who is now chief scientist for the Central Intelligence Agency will talk about research programs aimed at improving U.S. intelligence capabilities in a Classified Director’s Colloquium scheduled for today.

John Phillips, a former Laboratory group leader who in July 1991 helped unearth Iraqi nuclear weapons technology after the first Gulf War [Phillips recounted Desert Storm experience to Lab audience], will speak at 2:30 this afternoon in the Administration Building Auditorium at Technical Area 3. The title of his talk is “Intelligence Community Unified Planning Process for Advanced Research and Development and IC Technology Programs.”

All attendees must be U.S nationals who hold “Q” clearances and have sigmas 1-10 assigned by line management. Additional information is available at
http://stbblue.lanl.gov/colloquium/ online.

The goal of the Intelligence Community Unified Planning Process for Advanced Research and Development is to achieve a common vision for intelligence technology, Phillips said.

“This unified approach emphasizes the development of key mission and supporting capabilities that collectively will make the U.S. intelligence community pre-eminent in every aspect of its intelligence mission,” he said.

The Intelligence Technology Innovation Center is funding the technology programs to enhance current and future mission capabilities. The programs include outreach activities aimed at enhancing the critical skills of scientists, engineers, technical experts and science and technology analysts within the intelligence community.

In addition to his job as CIA chief scientist, which he’s held since October 2000, Phillips is the chief technical officer for the entire intelligence community. He directed the Investment Program Office in the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology.

At Los Alamos, Phillips held numerous leadership positions in nuclear safeguards, arms control and nonproliferation, chemical weapons detection and verification, environmental monitoring and remediation, nuclear facilities design and the management of research and development.

He spent two years in Vienna, Austria, with the International Atomic Energy Agency and took part in IAEA inspections in Iraq, India, Taiwan, Germany, Russia and Canada. He led the U.S. team in negotiations with the Russian Federation for improving nuclear safeguards at their nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facilities. He also worked with the British as co-chair of the US/UK Analytical Chemistry Working Group.

Since 1986, Phillips headed Safeguards Systems (formerly N-4 and NIS-7), Materials and Chemical Processing and Analytical Chemistry (formerly CLS-1) at Los Alamos. In addition to more than 100 technical publications and presentations, Phillips has doctorate and master’s degrees in analytical chemistry, and a master’s of business administration, all from the University of New Mexico. He holds a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from Oregon State University.

To arrange transportation to the classified colloquium, call 7-TAXI (7-8294).

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