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Memo updates work force on resumption of operations

By Public Affairs Office

December 21, 2004

All risk-level 1 and 2 Laboratory operations have resumed and more than 70 percent of all risk-level 3 work has resumed as the Lab continues toward achieving full operations, Laboratory Director G. Peter Nanos said in a all-employee memo.

Nanos said he expected that the Laboratory will be at 100 percent of all operations by the end of next month and thanked all workers for their work in helping the Laboratory resume operations. "Thank you for your efforts, which have and will continue to make [Los Alamos] the "World's Greatest Science Protecting America," he said.

"The progress you all have made is remarkable when you consider that our restart review covered more than 3,000 individual operations and activities across the Laboratory, and actively involved more than 14,000 staff, [subcontract personnel], students and others," said Nanos. "In total, the process identified [more than] 2,000 safety-related corrective actions, ranging from administrative and documentation issues to operational and managerial oversight activities."

Nanos suspended all operations in July so that the work force could review and recommit to safety and security regulations.

To read the all-employee memo, click here (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

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