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Lab seeking nominations for Distinguished Performance Awards

March 10, 2008

The Laboratory is accepting nominations for 2007 Distinguished Performance Awards. The awards recognize individual employees or teams of six or fewer people, and larger project teams of up to 75 people.

Nominations should cover distinguished performance activities in calendar year 2007, according to an all-employee memo from Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio. Activities conducted outside this time frame will not be considered.

Lab employees in all job series are eligible for a Distinguished Performance Award. Subcontract personnel may be included in any of the team awards, but they are not eligible for an individual award, nor can they receive the monetary component of the small-team award.

March 28 is the last day to submit a nomination package. Submissions after this date won't be accepted.

A committee of Laboratory employees representing a cross-section of organizations, classification, gender, and ethnicity will screen the nominations and make recommendations to Anastasio.

The all-employee memo includes guidelines and links to nomination forms, which are required as part of the process.

Unclassified packages should be submitted to Evelyn Martinez in the Human Resources (HR) Division at Mail Stop P124.

Classified packages should be sent to Johnny Roybal of Records Management, Media Services, and Operations (IRM-RMMSO) at Mail Stop A150.

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