John VanDyk

Contact info:

Snail: 407 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames IA 50011-3222
Phone: (515) 294-7401 (it's usually better to send email)
E-mail: jvandyk at
Please do not send pictures of insects to be identified. Put them on instead.
Think I sent you unsolicited email? Think again!

John K. VanDyk

Systems Analyst and Assistant Professor (adjunct), Iowa State University Department of Entomology

Greetings! What I do is a combination of teaching, extension, and computer-geek stuff. I'm trying to make useful entomology and integrated pest management information directly available to you on the web. That means making things searchable and well-organized. How am I doing? If you have comments on these sites

let me know! Your feedback is valued more than peanut butter Twix®!

I teach Introduction to Insects and Insects and Society.

We like Drupal for content management. Here's my Drupal book.

I wrote the Metadata Plugin for Userland Frontier/Manila, an object database-oriented content management system.

My curriculum vitae is available for your viewing pleasure.

Interested in mosquito host-seeking behavior?

My take on PromiseKeepers.

I couldn't do my work without my Kinesis keyboard.

Here's what I do in my spare time, when I'm not out squash hunting.

Bog lemmings! Opus 1. For biologists with a knowledge of Latin and a sense of humor.

When I get old, please don't put me here!

I maintain a personal website at
Last updated:
June 4, 2007