
Titlesort iconIssue
Summer flooding of hay fields and pastures
Summer flooding of hay fields and pastures
Summer flooding of hay fields and pastures
Summer flooding of hay fields and pastures
Time is running out for planting an "emergency" forage crop
Time is running out for planting an "emergency" forage crop
Indicators point to hay supply deficits in Iowa
Indicators point to hay supply deficits in Iowa
Struggling alfalfa fields: Consider temporary forage options
Struggling alfalfa fields: Consider temporary forage options
Struggling alfalfa fields: Consider temporary forage options
Struggling alfalfa fields: Consider temporary forage options
Assessing freeze damage to alfalfa and management suggestions
Assessing freeze damage to alfalfa and management suggestions
Healthy alfalfa taproot
Predictive equations of alfalfa quality (PEAQ)
Predictive equations of alfalfa quality (PEAQ)
Evaluating the spring alfalfa stand
Change in yield and quality of alfalfa
Frost/freeze on alfalfa
Ice storms in Iowa and thoughts about alfalfa's overwintering success
Ice storms in Iowa and thoughts about alfalfa's overwintering success
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Scouting alfalfa diseases in spring
Alfalfa problems appearing
Alfalfa problems appearing
Spring alfalfa diseases in 2002
Alfalfa seedling and root diseases
Alfalfa seedling and root diseases
Alfalfa seedling and root diseases
Alfalfa seedling and root diseases
Scouting for alfalfa winter injury
Spring alfalfa leaf diseases in 2001
Alfalfa disease resistance
Fall harvest management of alfalfa
Alfalfa leaf diseases appearing
Alfalfa seedling diseases in 1999
New alfalfa publication
Alfalfa leaf diseases reported
Alfalfa seedling diseases in 1998
Alfalfa seedling diseases in 1998
Alfalfa leaf diseases update
Alfalfa winterkill in northeast Iowa
Evaluating the spring alfalfa stand
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