Late-season clinics offer a variety of information

The growing season may be winding down, but there are still many educational opportunities at the Field Extension Education Laboratory (FEEL). Three late-season clinics offer training in crop diseases, alfalfa, and soils. Each of these events offer in-field hands-on activities in addition to classroom sessions.

On September 5, the Alfalfa Clinic meets to look at profitable forage production and what it takes to improve yields. Alfalfa growth and development, pest management, nutrient management, and establishment practices will be discussed. Registration is $145. Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits: 4.0 crop management, 2.0 pest management, and 0.5 nutrient management.

Crop diseases have taken the spotlight as soybean rust becomes a reality in the southern United States. However, there are other diseases that factor into crop production. The Late-season Disease Clinic on September 6 will focus on foliar and stalk diseases of corn, foliar and root diseases of soybeans, and soybean cyst nematodes. Registration is $145. CCA credits: 5.5 pest management.

The Soils Clinic on September 18 provides information and training related to the effects of soil management practices and equipment effects on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. Students will spend time in the soil pit and other in-field demonstrations. Registration is $145 and includes 5.0 soil and water CCA credits.

Additional information for each of these events, as well as online registration, is available at Registrations must be received no later than 48 hours prior to the class. Walk-in registration is not available.

Brent Pringnitz is coordinator of the Agribusiness Education Program.

This article originally appeared on page 256 of the IC-498(22) -- August 6, 2007 issue.

Updated 08/10/2007 - 11:28am