Newly revised aphids publication available

The soybean aphid is a major pest for soybean growers in Iowa.

Since the arrival of this Asian species to Iowa in 2000, significant outbreaks have occurred--most noticeably in 2003 when aphid populations exceeded 3,000 aphids per plant in many fields.

Soybean Aphids in Iowa -- 2007 (SP 247)

A newly revised publication is now available to educate producers on what is known about the biology of the soybean aphid. Look for Soybean Aphids in Iowa--2007 (SP 247) by Marlin E. Rice, Matt O'Neal, and Palle Pedersen, available at the Iowa State University Extension Online Store.

This article originally appeared on page 236 of the IC-498(20) -- July 23, 2007 issue.

Updated 07/25/2007 - 8:59pm