Warm temperatures = rapid growth

Accumulated base: 50F degree days and departure from normal, May 1 through June 24, 2007.Accumulated base: 50F degree days and departure from normal, May 1 through June 24, 2007.

The third week of June brought warm and humid weather, spiked with local severe thunderstorms and some areas of heavy rain, especially in southeastern Iowa. Uneven stands are quite common, particularly in corn fields planted into less than ideal seedbeds.

Some of that unevenness has been corrected by active growth the past week. Subtle variation in soil conditions, especially due to wheel tracks created during spring tillage, is apparent in some areas.

Corn developmental stages range from V4 (replanted) to almost VT, with the bulk statewide at V8 to V9, and soybean stages range from V1 to R2.

Rich Pope is an extension program specialist working with the Corn and Soybean Initiative.

This article originally appeared on page 198 of the IC-498(16) -- June 25, 2007 issue.

Updated 06/28/2007 - 1:03pm