Biological control of soybean aphids: A Web-based resource

A natural enemy at work: the multicolored Asian lady beetle eating a winged soybean aphid. (Marlin E. Rice)A natural enemy at work: the multicolored Asian lady beetle eating a winged soybean aphid. (Marlin E. Rice)

On March 6, entomologists from eight different institutions presented a 3½-hour short course titled, "Managing soybean aphids in 2007--how will biological control contribute?" This short course {w}as organized by Kevin Steffey at the University of Illinois, and the 12 different presenters gave a wealth {o}f information on the strengths and limitations of biological control with respect to soybean aphids. If you missed this short course and would like to know more {a}bout this topic, consider visiting the Soybean Aphid Biological Control Web site. At this site, you can find information and recommendations for the management of soybean aphids that accounts for the impact of predators like the insidious flower bug and the multicolored Asian lady bird beetles. In the near future, the teleconference will be made available at this site (as PowerPoint slides and audio) for those who were unable to attend.

This article originally appeared on page 83 of the IC-498 (3) -- March 26, 2007 issue.

Updated 03/26/2007 - 2:39pm