SDS information available on CD-ROM from ISU Crop Adviser Institute

The Iowa State University Crop Adviser Institute (CAI) recently completed a new interactive course module on CD-ROM, entitled Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean, authored by Iowa State University Extension plant pathologist X.B. Yang, and Brent Brueland, ISU Agronomy Department. This module describes the soybean fungus Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines and provides details on the sudden death syndrome (SDS) disease's

  • life cycle;
  • identification;
  • potential for damage;
  • current geographical distribution; and
  • SDS management.

The CD contains many high-quality photographs, graphics of latest research results, and interactive segments designed to enhance the learning experience.

Soybean field infected with sudden death syndrome.

Close-up photo of a leaflet with interveinal necrosis symptoms.

SDS of soybean was first confirmed in 1971 in Arkansas and has spread, mainly northward, through U.S. soybean producing regions with the first report in Iowa in 1994. The disease has been found in 59 Iowa counties. The SDS fungus can infect soybean at or soon after planting. The most severe outbreaks of SDS typically occur when fields with high yield potentials are planted early in the season, especially those composed of flat, fertile ground. Detection and management of SDS is very important to minimize the effects of SDS in subsequent cropping seasons.

This course module was developed as a continuing education tool for Certified Crop Advisers and other ag professionals and producers. It contains an examination that may be completed for continuing education unit credit with the American Society of Agronomy or the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. A list of 16 available course modules is available on the CAI website: Courses are available for purchase on-line 24 hours a day by using a secure credit card entry, or by check.

The Crop Adviser Institute is a partnership between departments within the Iowa State University College of Agriculture, and Iowa State University Extension. If you would like more information on the CAI, please contact us at (515) 294-7546 or e-mail

This article originally appeared on page 147 of the IC-490(20) -- August 18, 2003 issue.

Updated 08/17/2003 - 1:00pm