Western bean cutworm catches explode

Trap captures of western bean cutworms exploded at the end of the second week in July. Moth catches in a blacklight trap north of Correctionville were 1,130 (July 12), 2,244 (July 13), and 1,018 (July 14). Todd Vagts, Iowa State University Extension field specialist-crops, has developed a Web site showing western bean cutworm trap captures in several western Iowa locations. The site can be viewed at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/carroll/crops/wbc-2002.htm

Western bean cutworm moth.

Additional moths have been captured in Butler County in northeastern Iowa, according to George Cummins, Iowa State University Extension field specialist-crops. Rich Pope, Iowa State University Extension IPM specialist, also reports moths being captured in Harrison County in southwestern Iowa.

Start scouting now for western bean cutworm eggs or young larvae. Timing of an insecticide application is critical because when the larvae enter the ear, they cannot be controlled. See the article in the July 8, 2002, Integrated Crop Management newsletter, page 138, for information on scouting and thresholds.

This article originally appeared on pages 150-151 of the IC-488(18) -- July 22, 2002 issue.

Updated 07/21/2002 - 1:00pm