More than 600 SCN-resistant soybean varieties listed in new publication

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is a serious and widespread pest of soybean throughout Iowa and the Midwest. Fortunately, SCN-resistant soybean varieties have been developed and are an effective management tool. To assist growers in choosing SCN-resistant varieties, Iowa State University Extension annually compiles and publishes a list of public and private SCN-resistant soybean varieties in maturity groups I, II, and III.

Soybean cyst nematode females (top pointer) and nitrogen-fixing nodule (bottom pointer) on soybean root.

This year's list contains more than 650 varieties from 71 private companies and four universities. New to the publication this year is information about factors to consider when selecting an SCN-resistant variety, including rotating different types of SCN resistance and the need for other defensive traits.

Aerial photograph of SCN-resistant soybean variety plots

Aerial photograph of SCN-resistant soybean varieties growing in research plots.

Approximately 80 percent of the varieties listed in the publication are Roundup Ready, and a few are tolerant to sulfonylurea herbicides. All but 27 of the varieties listed have SCN resistance derived solely from the soybean breeding line PI88788. One of the listed varieties has SCN resistance derived from PI209332, four have SCN resistance from Peking, 11 have SCN resistance from Hartwig, and 11 have a combination of two sources of SCN resistance.

Soybean check-off funds provided by the Iowa Soybean Promotion Board partially supported the cost of printing of the publication, and the publication will be distributed as an insert in the November issue of the Iowa Soybean Review magazine. Additional single copies of the list, Iowa State University Extension publication PM 1649, can be obtained from the Iowa State University Extension Distribution Center by calling 515-294-5247. Alternatively, it is available on the web.

This article originally appeared on pages 190-191 of the IC-488(23) -- November 18, 2002 issue.

Updated 11/17/2002 - 1:00pm