UCS Activist Resource Center

Whether you are a new UCS activist or have been with us for years, we hope you find these tools interesting and useful. Our goal is to provide you with resources to help you take action to create a healthy environment and a safer world. The tips and tools listed will help you create effective letters to your legislators, write compelling letters to the editor of your local newspaper, or help you get media to come to your local event.

  • Not a member of the Action Network? Join today! 
  • Are there additional tools or resources we could provide that we be useful? Please let us know.

Activist Resources
Ensure UCS Emails Make It To Your Inbox

Tips and Tools--Working With Policymakers
Writing Your Policymaker
Calling Your Policymaker
Raising Issues at Public Meetings
Setting up a Meeting With Your Policymaker
Meeting With Your Policymaker

Tips and Tools--Working With the Media
Writing a Letter to the Editor
Getting Media to Cover Your Event


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