NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20024077

Comparison of Ore Pass Computer Simulations for Designs Against Dynamic Load

February 2003

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Rock hang-ups are a problem in ore pass operations. Rock flows through an ore pass by gravity but hang-ups can occur due to bridging of larger rock particles. Hang-ups also occur if cohesive fine rock particles are present. The result is a production stoppage, where secondary blasting or other relief is required where human safety is at risk. Existing ore pass design criteria rules-of-thumb using current particle flow equations are reviewed and a comparison of two computer modeling programs, Working Model (WM 2-D) and PFC2d, to simulate rock flow are investigated.

Author(s):Iverson-S, Jung-SF, Biswas-K
Reference:Annual meeting of the Society for Mining, Metallurgical, and Exploration, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, Feb. 26-28, 2003, preprint 03-157, SME, Littleton, CO. 2003 Feb; :11 pp

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division