Plants of the North

Boreal Carpet

Flora, fauna, earth, and sky...
The natural history of the northwoods

Plant Species Lists



Deciduous Trees

Deciduous Shrubs

  • Acer spicatum, Mountain or Moose Maple, a common understory shrub
  • Alnus crispa, Green Alder
  • Alnus incana rugosa, Hoary, Speckled, or Tag Alder, the alder thicket alder
  • Amelanchier, Juneberry or Serviceberry, a dozen species are found in the northland
  • Aronia melanocarpa, Black Chokeberry
  • Betula pumila, Bog Birch, the shrubby birch of the bogs
  • Comptonia peregrina, Sweet Fern, an aromatic, fern leafed shrub
  • Cornus canadensis, Bunchberry or Dwarf Dogwood, a signature plant of the north
  • Cornus rugosa, Round Leaved Dogwood
  • Cornus sericea, Red Osier Dogwood
  • Corylus cornuta, Beaked Hazel, the nut bearing shrub of the north
  • Diervilla lonicera, Low Bush Honeysuckle
  • Lonicera canadensis, Fly Honeysuckle, a straggly shrub of open wood
  • Lonicera doica, Climbing Honeysuckle, a woody vine of forest openings
  • Lonicera hirsuta, Hairy Climbing Honeysuckle, ditto
  • Myrica gale, Sweet Gale, the aromatic shrub of water's edge
  • Potentilla palustris, Swamp Cinquefoil, a creeping shrub of watersides
  • Prunus pumila, Sand Cherry, a low shrub cherry
  • Ribes sp, Currants and Gooseberries
  • Rosa blanda, Smooth Rose
  • Rosa acicularis, Prickly Rose
  • Rosa arkansana, Prairie Rose
  • Rubus pubescens, Dewberry, a trailing relative of the raspberry
  • Rubus sp, Blackberries, ten difficult-to-distinguish species of bramble
  • Rubus parviflorus, Thimbleberry, the maple leaf bramble of the north
  • Rubus strigosus, Wild Red Raspberry, small but delicious!
  • Spirea alba, Meadowsweet, a small shrub of watersides
  • Viburnum edule, Highbush Cranberry

Evergreen Shrubs

Herbaceous Flowering Plants

  • Achillea millefolium, Yarrow
  • Acorus americanus, Sweet Flag, the tangerine scented plant of marsh and bog
  • Actaea pachypoda, White Baneberry
  • Actaea rubra, Red Baneberry
  • Alisma spp, Water Plantain
    • plantago-aquatica, Water Plantain
    • subcordatum, Southern Water Plantain
    • trivale, Northern Water Plantain
  • Amerorchis rotundifolia, Round Leaf Orchis
  • Anaphalis margaritacea, Pearly Everlasting
  • Anemone canadensis, Canada Anemone
  • Anemone quinquefolia, Wood Anemone, a colonial white flower of the forest floor
  • Antennaria sp, Pussytoes
    • microphylla, Little Leaf Pussytoes
    • neglecta, Field Pussytoes
    • plantaginifolia, Plantain Leaf Pussytoes
  • Apocynum androsaemifolium, Spreading Dogbane
  • Aquilegia canadensis, Wild Columbine
  • Aralia hispida, Bristly Sarsaparilla
  • Aralia nudicaulis, Wild Sarsaprilla, a common groundcover of the northern forest
  • Arceuthobium pusillum, Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe, flowering parasite of Black Spruce
  • Arenaria lateriflora, Sandwort
  • Arethusa bulbosa, Swamp Pink, an orchid of floating sphagnum mats
  • Asclepias incarnata, Swamp Milkweed
  • Aster, the Asters, late summer bloomers
    • ciliolatus, Fringed Blue Aster
    • macrophyllus, Large Leaf Aster
    • ptarmicoides, Upland White Aster
    • puniceus, Swamp Blue Aster
    • umbellatus, Flattop White Aster
  • Astragalus canadensis, Milk Vetch, a legume of dry places
  • Bidens cernua, Nodding Bur Marigold, also known as Sticktight or Beggers Tick
  • Brasenia schreberi, Water Shield, a unusual floating leaf plant of shallow waters
  • Calla palustris, Wild Calla Lily or Water Arum, a creeping waterside calla
  • Callitriche, Water Starwort
    • hermaphroditica, Northern Water Starwort
    • palustris, Vernal Water Starwort
  • Calopogon puchellus, Grass Pink Orchid
  • Caltha natans, Floating Marsh Marigold
  • Caltha palustris, Marsh Marigold, the low yellow marsh flower of early spring
  • Calypso bulbosa, Fairy Slipper Orchid
  • Campanula spp, Bell Flowers
    • aparinoides, White Bell Flower
    • rotundifolia, Harebell
    • uliginosa, Swamp Bell Flower
  • Ceratophyllum demersum, Common Hornwort
  • Chamerion angustifolium, Fireweed
  • Chelone glabra, Turtlehead
  • Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, Ox Eye Daisy, a European exotic
  • Cicuta bulbifera, Water Hemlock, a extremely poisonous waterside plant
  • Cicuta maculata, Spotted Water Hemlock, its toxic cousin
  • Cirsium muticum, Swamp Thistle
  • Clintonia borealis, Blue Bead Lily
  • Coeloglossum viride, Long Bracted Orchid
  • Comandra spp, the Toadflax, parasitic flowering plants
    • livida, Northern Bastard Toadflax
    • richardsiana, Bastard Toadflax
  • Convolvulvus spithameus,Upright Bindweed
  • Coptis groenlandica, Goldthread, a delicate trifoliate groundcover
  • Corallorrhiza, Coralroot, parasitic orchids without green color
    • maculata, Spotted Coralroot
    • striata, Striped Coralroot
    • trifida, Early Coralroot
  • Corydalis sempervirens, Pink Cordalis, a delicate pink flower of rocky places
  • Crassula aquatica, Water Pygmyweed
  • Cuscuta gronovii, Dodder
  • Cypripedium spp, Ladyslipper Orchids
    • acaule, Moccasin Flower
    • arietinum, Ram's Head Ladyslipper
    • calceolus, Yellow Ladyslipper
    • reginae, Showy Ladyslipper
  • Drosera intermedia, Spatula Leaf Sundew
  • Drosera rotundifolia, Round Leaved Sundew, a carnivorous plant of sphagnum bogs
  • Elatine spp, Waterworts
  • Elodea spp, Waterweeds
  • Epilobium spp, the Willowherbs
    • coloratum, Purple Leaf Willowherb
    • glandulosum, Northern Willowherb
    • strictum, Downy Willowherb
  • Erigeron strigosus, Common Fleabane
  • Eriocaulon aquaticum, Pipewort, an emergent flower of shallow lake bottoms
  • Eupatorium spp,
    • maculatum, Joe Pye Weed
    • perfoliatum, Boneset
    • purpureum, Sweet Joe Pye Weed
  • Fragaria virginiana, Wild Strawberry
  • Fragaria vesca, Woodland Strawberry, the seedy wild strawberry
  • Galium spp., the Bedstraws
    • asparine, Cleavers
    • asprellum, Rough Bedstraw
    • boreale, Northern Bedstraw
    • lanceolatum, Yellow Wild Licorice
    • triflorum, Fragrant Bedstraw
  • Gentiana spp, the Gentians
    • andrewsii, Closed or Bottle Gentian, a blue fall flower which never opens
    • crinita, Fringed Gentian
  • Geranium Bicknellii, Common Geranium
  • Gnaphalium obtusifolium, Sweet Everlasting
  • Goodyera spp, Rattlesnake Plantain Orchids
    • repens, Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain or Lattice Leaf, small orchids of pine forests
    • tesselata, Greater Rattlesnake Plantain
  • Halenia deflexa, Spurred Gentian
  • Hepatica americana, Round Lobed Hepatica
  • Heracleum lanatum, Cow Parsnip
  • Heuchera richardsonii, Alumroot
  • Hieracium spp, the Hawkweeds
    • aurantiacum, Orange Hawkweed or Devil's Paint Brush, a European exotic
    • canadense, Common Hawkweed
    • scabrum, Rough Hawkweed
  • Hippuris vulgaris, Mare's Tail
  • Houstonia longifolia, Common Houstonia, a low herb of dry sunny places
  • Hypericum majus, Common St. Johnswort
  • Hypericum virginicum, Marsh St. Johnswort
  • Impatiens spp, Jewelweeds or Touch-me-not
    • capensis, Spotted Jewelweed
    • pallida, Pale Jewelweed
  • Iris versicolor, Blue Flag, the tall blue iris of bog and marsh
  • Lathyrus spp, Sweet Peas
    • japonicus, Beach Pea, an exotic
    • ochroleucus, Pale Pea or Early Sweet Pea
    • venosus, Purple Pea or Wild Sweet Pea
  • Lemna spp, the Duckweeds, smallest flowering plants of the North Country
  • Lilium philadelphicum, Wood Lily
  • Liparis loeselii, Loesel's Twayblade Orchid
  • Listera spp, Twayblade Orchids
    • auriculata, Auricled Twayblade
    • convallarioides, Broad Leaf Twayblade
    • cordata, Heart Leaf Twayblade
  • Lobelia dortmanna, Water Lobelia, an emergent flower of shallow lake bottoms
  • Lotus corniculatus, Bird's Foot Trefoil, an exotic
  • Lycopus americanus, American Water Horehound
  • Lycopus uniflorus, Common Water Horehound
  • Lysimachia, the Loosestrifes
    • ciliata, Fringed Loosestrife
    • terrestris, Swamp Loosestrife
    • thyrsiflora, Tufted Loosestrife
  • Maianthemum canadense, Canada Mayflower
  • Malaxis spp, Adder's Mouth Orchids
    • monophyllos, White Adder's Mouth
    • paludosa, Bog Adder's Mouth
    • unifolia, Green Adder's Mouth
  • Matricaria maritima, Scentless Chamomile, an exotic
  • Melampyrum lineare, Cow Wheat
  • Menyanthes trifoliata, Buckbean, a common waterside creeper
  • Mentha arvensis, Field Mint
  • Mertensia paniculata, Tall Lungwort
  • Mitella nuda, Naked Mitrewort
  • Moneses uniflora, One Flowered Wintergreen
  • Monotropa uniflora, Indian Pipe, a ghostly white parasite of the forest floor
  • Myriophyllum spp, Water Milfoils
  • Najas flexilis, Slender Naiad
  • Nuphar spp, Yellow Water Lillies
    • advena, Yellow Water Lily
    • microphyllum, Least Yellow Water Lily
    • rubrodiscum, Lesser Yellow Water Lily
    • varigatum, Greater Yellow Water Lily
  • Nymphaea spp, White Water Lillies
    • leibergii, Leiberg's Water Lily
    • odorata, Fragrant White Water Lily
    • tetragona, Least White Water Lily
    • tuberosa, Tuberous White Water Lily
  • Oenothera spp, the Evening Primroses
    • biennis, Common Evening Primrose
    • parviflora, Small Flowered
    • perennis, Sundrops
  • Oxalis montana, Woodsorrel
  • Parnassia palustris, Northern Grass of Parnassus
  • Petasites spp, Coltsfoot
    • frigidus, Early Sweet Coltsfoot
    • sagittatus, Sweet Coltsfoot
  • Platanthera spp, the Rein Orchids
    • clavellata, Small Green Wood Orchid
    • dilatata, Tall White Bog Orchid
    • hookeri, Hooker's Rein Orchid, a green orchid of Jack Pine forests
    • hyperborea, Tall Northern Bog Orchid
    • lacera, Ragged Fringed Orchid
    • obtusata, Blunt Leaf Orchid
    • orbiculata, Large Round Leaf Orchid
    • psycodes, Purple Fringed Orchid
  • Pogonia ophioglossoides, Rose Pogonia
  • Polygala paucifolia, Fringed Polygala
  • Polygonatum spp, Solomon's Seals
    • biflorum, Smooth Solomon's Seal
    • pubescens, Hairy Solomon's Seal
  • Polygonum spp, the Smartweeds
    • amphibium, Showy Water Smartweed
    • cilinode, Fringed Polygonum Vine
    • coccineum, Scarlet Water Smartweed
    • natans, Water Smartweed
  • Pontederia cordata, Pickerel Weed
  • Potamogeton spp, the Pondweeds,
    • alpinus, Red Pondweed
    • berchtoldii, Small Pondweed
    • compressus, Grass Wrack Pondweed
    • crispus, Curled Pondweed (exotic)
    • epihydrus, Ribbon Leaf Pondweed
    • filiformis, Slender-leaved Pondweed
    • foliosus, Leafy Pondweed
    • friesii, Flat-stalked Pondweed
    • gramineus, Grass Leaf Pondweed
    • illinoensis, Illinois (Shining) Pondweed
    • natans, Broad Leaf Pondweed
    • nodosus, Long Leaf Pondweed
    • obtusifolius, Blunt Leaf Pondweed
    • pectinatus, Fennel Pondweed
    • perfoliatus, Perfoliate Pondweed
    • praelongus, Long-stalked Pondweed
    • pusillus, Lesser Pondweed
    • spirillus, Spiral Pondweed
    • vaginatus, Sheathed Pondweed
    • vaseyi, Vasey's Pondweed
    • zosteriformis, Flatstem Pondweed
  • Potentilla spp., Cinquefoils
    • arguta, Tall Cinquefoil
    • norvejica, Rough Cinquefoil
    • palustris, Swamp Cinquefoil
    • tridentata, Wine Leaf Cinquefoil
  • Prenanthes alba, Rattlesnake Root
  • Prunella vulgaris, Self Heal, once a popular medicinal herb
  • Pyrola spp, the Pyrolas or Shinleafs
    • asarifolia, Pink Shinleaf
    • elliptica, White Flowered Pyrola
    • minor, Lesser Pyrola
    • rotundifolia, Round Leaf Pyrola
    • secunda, One Sided Shinleaf
    • virens, Nodding Pyrola
  • Ranunculus spp, Buttercups
    • acris, Meadow Buttercup, a European exotic
    • flammula, Spearwort
    • pensylvanicus, Bristly Crowfoot
  • Sagittaria, the Arrowheads or Wapato, emergent plants of the water's edge
    • cuneata, Arum Leaf Arrowhead
    • graminea, Grassy Arrowhead
    • latifolia, Broad Leaf Arrowhead
    • rigida, Sessile Fruited Arrowhead
  • Sarracenia purpurea, Purple Pitcher Plant, a carnivorous plant of sphagnum bogs
  • Scutellaria spp, the Skullcaps
    • epilobiifolia, Common Skullcap
    • lateriflora, Mad Dog Skullcap
  • Senecio pauperculus, Northern Ragwort
  • Sium suave, Water Parsnip
  • Smilacina spp, the False Solomon's Seals
    • racemosa, False Solomon's Seal
    • stellata, Starry False Solomon's Seal
    • trifolia, Bog False Solomon's Seal or Swamp Seal
  • Solidago spp, Goldenrods
    • canadensis, Canada Goldenrod
    • graminifolia, Grass Leaf Goldenrod
    • hispida, Upland Goldenrod
    • juncea, Early Goldenrod
    • missouriensis, Prairie Goldenrod
    • rigida, Stiff Goldenrod
    • uliginosa, Bog Goldenrod
  • Spiranthes ssp, Ladies' Tresses Orchids
    • lacera, Northern Slender Ladies' Tresses
    • romanzoffiana, Hooded Ladies' Tresses
  • Spirodela polyrhiza, Greater Duckweed
  • Stachys palustris, Common Woundwort
  • Streptopus roseus, Rose Twistedstalk, a common plant of the forest floor
  • Subularia aquatica, Water Awlwort
  • Thalictrum spp, Meadowrues
    • dasycarpum, Tall Meadowrue
    • dioicum, Early Meadowrue
  • Trientalis borealis, Starflower, one of the very few seven petal flowers
  • Trillium spp, Trilliums
    • cernuum, Nodding Trillium, the trillium of the boreal forest
    • grandiflorum, Large Flower Trillium
  • Typha spp, Cattails
  • Utricularia, the Bladderworts, free floating insectivorous plants
  • Uvularia spp, Bellworts
    • grandiflora, Large Flower Bellwort
    • sessilifolia, Sessile Leaf Bellwort
  • Valisneria americana, Tape Grass or Wild Celery
  • Vicia americana, American Vetch, a common native legume
  • Vicia caracca, Tufted Vetch, an exotic
  • Viola spp, Violets
    • adunca, Hooked Spur Violet
    • blanda, Sweet White Violet
    • canadensis, Canada Violet
    • cucullata, Marsh Blue Violet
    • incognita, White Swamp Violet
    • nephrophylla, Northern Bog Violet
    • novae-angliae, New England Violet
    • pallens, Northern White Violet
    • pensylvanica, Smooth Yellow Violet
    • pubescens, Downy Yellow Violet
    • renifolia, Kidney Leaf Violet
    • rostrata, Long Spurred Violet
    • septentrionalis, Northern Blue Violet
  • Walsteinia fragarioides, Barren Strawberry

Grasses and Sedges

  • Andropogon gerardii, Big Blue Stem
  • Carex spp, Sedges
    • adusta, Lesser Brown Sedge
    • aurea, Golden Sedge
    • brevior, Fescue Sedge
    • brunnescens, Brown Sedge
    • canescens, Silvery Sedge
    • crawfordii, Crawford's Sedge
    • crinita, Fringed Sedge
    • cryptolepis, Northeastern Sedge
    • deflexa, Northern Sedge
    • deweyana, Dewey Sedge
    • disperma, Soft Leaf Sedge
    • echinata, Little Prickly Sedge
    • foenea, Dryspike Sedge
    • gracillima, Graceful Sedge
    • houghtoniana, Houghton's Sedge
    • intumescens, Bladder Sedge
    • lacustris, Lake Sedge
    • lasiocarpa, Wool Fruited Sedge
    • lenticularis, Tufted Sedge
    • leptalea, Bristly Stalk Sedge
    • leptonervia, Nerveless Wood Sedge
    • limosa, Mud Sedge
    • norvegica, Norway Sedge
    • oligosperma, Few Seed Sedge
    • pauciflora, Star Sedge
    • paupercula, Little Sedge
    • peckii, Peck's Sedge
    • pedunculata, Long Stalk Sedge
    • projecta, Beaded Broom Sedge
    • retrorsa, Knotsheath Sedge
    • rostrata, Beaked Sedge
    • scoparia, Broom Sedge
    • stipata, Sawbeak Sedge
    • stricta, Upright Sedge
    • tenera, Slender Sedge
    • trisperma, Three Seed Sedge
    • tuckermanii, Tuckerman's Sedge
    • umbellata, Parasol Sedge
    • vesicaria, Blister Sedge
    • vulpinoidea, Fox Sedge
  • Dulichium arundinaceum, Three Way Sedge
  • Eleocharis spp, Spike Rushes
  • Eriophorum, the Cottongrasses, sedges of the northern bogs
    • angustifolium, Tall Cotton Grass
    • gracile, Slender Cotton Grass
    • tenellum, Few-nerved Cotton Grass
    • vaginatum, Tussock Cotton Grass
    • virginicum, Tawny Cotton Grass
    • viridi-carinatum, Thin Leaf Cotton Grass
  • Hierochloe odorata, Sweet Grass
  • Juncus spp, the Rushes
    • alpinoarticulatus, Northern Green Rush
    • arcticus, Arctic Rush
    • brevicaudatus, Narrow Panicle Rush
    • bufonius, Toad Rush
    • effusus, Common Rush
    • filiformis, Thread Rush
    • nodosus, Jointed Rush
    • pelocarpus, Brown Fruited Rush
    • tenuis, Slender Rush
  • Phragmites communis, Reed grass
  • Scirpus spp, the Bulrushes
    • acuta, Great Bulrush
    • atrovirens, Green Bulrush
    • cyperinus, Woolgrass
    • microcarpus, Panicled Bulrush
  • Sparganium, the Bur Reeds
    • americanum, American Bur Reed
    • androcladum, Branched Bur Reed
    • angustifolium, Narrow Leaf Bur Reed
    • emersum, Green Fruit Bur Reed
    • erectum, Simple Stem Bur Reed
    • eurycarpum, Giant Bur Reed
    • fluctuans, Floating Bur Reed
    • glomeratum, Clustered Bur Reed
    • natans, Small Bur Reed
  • Trichophorum
    • alpinum, Alpine Bulrush
    • cespitosus, Tufted Bulrush
  • Zizania aquatica, Wild Rice, the cereal grain of the north

Non-flowering Plants

Boreal border

Related Pages

  • Flora
  • Fauna
    • Birds, Woodpeckers, Owls, and Chickadees (and the other 7 year round residents)
    • Mammals, Moose, Wolf, and Beaver country
    • Reptiles & Amphibians, in a land of waters, it's mostly frogs
    • Fish, Bass, Northern, Walleye, and Trout - and their finny foodchain
    • Invertebrates, Ticks, Flies, Leaches, and Mosquitos - the welcoming land
  • Earth
    • Ecology,
    • Geology,
    • Limnology,
  • Sky
    • Aurora Borealis,
    • Weather & Climate,

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Last updated on 13 April, 2004