Learn about the Zero
Spread campaign against
noxious weeds     more ยป


What is it?
Zero Spread is a major media and educational campaign to promote prevention and management of invasive weeds in the state of Montana. The campaign has included radio and print ads, the production of a television commercial, a multitude of print materials and signage. It is the goal of the Campaign partners to see the Zero Spread logo become the "branding" tool for noxious weed prevention and management across Montana. Small acreage landowners and realtors are target audiences for the current Campaign as Montana experiences tremendous growth in population.

Materials available?
Currently, there are limited amounts of Zero Spread packets, which include visors, NRCS weed ID booklets, TIPS CDs on weed management, "Why Should I Care" brochures, NRCS posters with weed management and treatment options, and other various brochures and print materials. Professionally designed direct mail postcards with weed management stories and information are available for events and functions. 18 x 36 inch and 12 x 24 inch aluminum signs are available for landowners through approval by local weed professionals.

For more information on all materials or if you would like to be placed in contact with your local weed professional, please contact Becky or call at 406.684.5590.

Three large display panels (measurements) are available for your functions and events. Please contact Carla Lawrence at NRCS 406.587.6952 or carla.lawrence@mt.usda.gov for scheduling and shipping.

The Zero Spread Campaign was started in 2004 through a partnership with Natural Resource and Conservation Service (NRCS), the Montana Department of Agriculture, and the Statewide Noxious Weed Awareness and Education Campaign. In 2006 the partnership evolved to include NRCS, the Montana Department of Agriculture and the Montana Weed Control Association. In 2007 the Montana Department of Transportation also became a partner through financial contributions. The Zero Spread Campaign is always on the lookout for additional and notable partners. If you or your organization would like to be actively included in the Zero Spread Campaign, please contact Becky or call at 406.684.5590 and find out how!